The Best Stuffed Baked Potatoes (Use Up Those Leftovers)

The Best Stuffed Baked Potatoes (Use Up Those Leftovers)

Thé bést way to maké stufféd bakéd potatoés! Léarn THé oné trick that will maké thém tasté liké you'vé névér triéd béforé!

Prép Timé 5 min
Cook Timé 1 hr
Total Timé 1 hr, 5


  • Potatoés (as many as you want/havé for this méal)
  • 1/2 tsp buttér for éach potato
  • Salt, to tasté
  • Péppér, to tasté
  • Gréén Onions, choppéd
  • Shréddéd Chéésé
  • Toppings of your choicé


  1. Boil watér in a pot big énough for thé amount of potatoés you'ré making. Cook thém until soft. Soft énough that you can éasily insért a fork through thém, but not so soft that théy would bréak whén you insért thé fork.
  2. Oncé thé potatoés aré réady, carvé out thé céntér making an oval shapé. (You can usé thé portion of thé potatoés you carvéd out to maké mashéd potatoés latér)
  3. Spréad thé buttér, and sprinklé salt and péppér.
  4. Add thé toppings you préparéd, as suggéstéd abové.
  5. Top thém with thé chéésé and broil thém for approximatély 5 minutés, or until thé chéésé is méltéd and brownéd.
  6. Finish thé dish with thé gréén onions, and énjoy!

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