Sweet Potato Hash Egg Cups

Sweet Potato Hash Egg Cups

Swéét Potato Hash égg Cups – wé’ré taking bakéd éggs to thé néxt lévél by adding a swéét potato/chéddar chéésé basé for thé most délicious, satisfying, savory bréakfast you’ll éat this yéar!

Prép Timé: 10 Mins
Cook Timé: 15 Mins
Total Timé: 25 Minutés
Author: Léé Hérsh
Yiéld: 8


  • 1/2 cup swéét potatoés, gratéd (~1 small swéét potato)
  • 1/4 cup chéddar chéésé, shréddéd
  • 1/2 tabléspoon garlic powdér
  • 8 largé éggs
  • salt and péppér, to tasté


  1. Préhéat ovén to 375ºF and spray a muffin tin with coconut oil cooking spray. Altérnativély, placé linérs in thé muffin tin so cléan up is éasy!
  2. Péél a médium swéét potato and usé a chéésé gratér to graté potato.
  3. Placé 1/2 cup gratéd swéét potato, 1/4 cup chéddar chéésé, and 1/2 tabléspoon garlic powdér in a bowl and mix until combinéd.
  4. Using a tabléspoon as your scoopér, scoop oné héaping tabléspoon of swéét potato mixturé on thé bottom of 8 muffin tins.
  5. Crack a largé égg on top of éach cup and séason with salt and péppér to tasté.
  6. Baké éggs at 375ºF for 13-15 minutés or until éggs aré at désiréd consisténcy.

Réhéat thé néxt day in thé microwavé on high for 30-60 séconds.

Sérving Sizé: 1 égg cupCaloriés: 103Sugar: 1Fat: 6Carbohydratés: 4Fibér: 1Protéin: 8

Sourcé : https://fitfoodiefinds.com/sweet-potato-hash-egg-cups

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