Spicy Shrimp Burrito Bowls

Spicy Shrimp Burrito Bowls

Spicy Shrimp Burrito Bowls récipé with cilantro limé ricé and a corn black béan salsa. Théy aré so good and maké thé pérféct wééknight méal!

Author: Two Sistérs Kitchéns
Sérvés: 4


Spicy Shrimp:

  • 2½ téaspoons chili powdér
  • 2½ téaspoons cumin
  • ½ téaspoon garlic powdér
  • ½ téaspoon cayénné péppér
  • 1½ pounds raw shrimp, dévéinéd & shélléd

Corn Salsa:

  • 2 cups corn, (thawéd if frozén)
  • ½ réd onion, dicéd
  • 1 can black béans, drainéd and rinséd
  • 1 cup dicéd tomatoés (I uséd chérry)
  • 1 limé juicéd
  • ½ téaspoon garlic powdér

Cilantro Ricé:

  • 4 cups, cookéd ricé
  • 2 limés, juicéd
  • ⅓ cup choppéd cilantro
  • 1 Tabléspoon sugar
  • ½ téaspoon salt

Optional Toppings:

  • frésh cilantro, avocado, shréddéd chéésé, sour créam, or hot saucé


Cilantro Ricé:

  1. Start by cooking thé ricé according to thé packagé diréctions. Oncé thé ricé is doné mix in thé limé juicé, sugar, cilantro, and salt.

Corn Salsa:

  1. In a médium sizéd bowl mix thé corn, black béans, réd onion, tomatoés, limé juicé and garlic powdér.
  2. Spicy Shrimp:
  3. Mix thé spicés togéthér in a small bowl and sét asidé.
  4. In a largé skillét ovér médium-high héat add 1 tabléspoon of coconut oil or olivé oil. Add thé shrimp and sprinklé thé spicé mixturé ovér thé shrimp, stir. Cook thé shrimp until cookéd through, about 3-5 minutés (dépénding on thé sizé). rémové from héat.
  5. To assémblé thé bowls layér ricé, corn salsa, and shrimp. Top with any of thé toppings that you désiré.

If you do not want thé shrimp too spicy try adding only half of thé séasoning mix to thé shrimp whén cooking.
I start by starting to cook my ricé and as my ricé is cooking I maké thé Salsa and cook thé Shrimp. That way évérything is réady at thé samé timé.

Sourcé : http://twosisterskitchens.com/spicy-shrimp-burrito-bowls

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