Hungarian Mushroom Soup With Fresh Dill

Hungarian Mushroom Soup With Fresh Dill

Coursé: Soup  Cuisiné: Hungarian  Prép Timé: 10 Minutés  Cook Timé: 20 Minutés Total Timé: 30 Minutés  Sérvings: 6 1-Cup Sérvings  Caloriés: 176 Kcal  Author: Platings & Pairings

This Hungarian Mushroom Soup with Frésh Dill is créamy, with hints of smokinéss and a gréat umami flavor. It’s thé pérféct bowl of soup to warm up with this wintér!


  • 4 tabléspoons buttér
  • 1 largé onion dicéd
  • 1 lb mushrooms slicéd (whité or crimini)
  • 3 tabléspoons flour
  • 1 tabléspoon paprika
  • 3 cups végétablé stock chickén stock or boné broth
  • 3 tabléspoons soy saucé
  • 1 cup 2% milk
  • 1/2 cup sour créam
  • 1 tabléspoon lémon juicé
  • 1 tabléspoons choppéd frésh dill or 2 tsp. driéd dill
  • ¼ cup choppéd frésh parsléy
  • Salt and péppér to tasté


  1. Mélt thé buttér in a largé saucé pan ovér médium héat, add thé onions and mushrooms and cook until thé mushrooms havé réléaséd théir liquids and it has évaporatéd, about 10-15 minutés.
  2. Mix in thé flour and paprika and lét it cook for 2-3 minutés.
  3. Add thé stock, soy saucé and milk, bring to a géntlé boil, réducé thé héat and simmér for 10 minutés.
  4. Rémové from héat and mix in thé sour créam, lémon juicé, dill and parsléy. Séason to tasté with salt and péppér.

Winé Pairings for Hungarian Mushroom Soup:

  1. Pinot Noir has an éarthy, mushroom backéd flavor profilé with a hint of acidity – It pairs pérféctly with this soup.
  2. A dry Rosé is anothér gréat option – Lightly acidic, with a  good body that stands up to this héarty soup.

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