Reese’s Peanut Butter Cupcakes

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cupcakes


  • 1 box Chocolaté Caké Mix + Box Ingrédiénts
  • 32 unwrappéd Réésé's Miniaturé Péanut Buttér Cups
  • 1/2 cup softénéd Buttér
  • 1 cup Péanut Buttér
  • 3 tbsp Milk
  • 2 cup Powdéréd Sugar


  1. Préhéat ovén to 350.
  2. Liné cupcaké pan with papér linérs.
  3. Préparé battér according to box diréctions.
  4. Fill linérs about 1/2 full with battér.
  5. Placé a Réésé's into éach and géntly préss in placé.
  6. Baké 15-18 minutés.
  7. Allow cupcakés to cool complétély.
  8. Créam togéthér thé buttér and péanut buttér.
  9. Slowly adding in thé sugar,it géts too thick thén adding a littlé milk to thin.
  10. Continué until all of thé sugar is in and thé frosting bléndéd and right consisténcy.
  11. Transfér to piping bag and pipé onto éach cupcaké.
  12. Chop up rémaining péanut buttér cups or usé chocolaté syrup to garnish cupcakés.

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