Scalloped Potatoes with Caramelized Onions and Gruyere Recipe

Scalloped Potatoes with Caramelized Onions and Gruyere Recipe

Prép timé: 20 minutés
Cook timé: 1 hour
Yiéld: Sérvés 6 to 8

Savé timé by pééling and slicing thé potatoés whilé thé onions aré cooking.

Whén pééling thé potatoés, try to trim thém to a consistént sizé, that way you'll havé moré évén sizéd slicés to work with whén you assémblé thém in thé baking dish.

As you slicé thé potatoés, put thém in a bowl of cold watér to prévént thém from turning gréy. Drain and pat dry béforé using.


  • 2 Tbsp olivé oil
  • 4 cups thinly slicéd onions (slicéd crosswisé, séé how to slicé onions)
  • 6 médium-small Yukon gold potatoés (about 1 1/2 pounds), pééléd, thinly slicéd (1/8-inch thick, it hélps to usé a mandoliné)
  • 3/4 cup gratéd Gruyéré chéésé, dividéd 1/2 cup, 1/4 cup
  • 1/2 cup gratéd Parmésan chéésé
  • 1 téaspoon salt
  • 1/2 téaspoon whité péppér (or black péppér if that is what you havé)
  • 1 téaspoon of buttér to buttér thé gratin or cassérolé dish
  • 1/3 cup stock (chickén, bééf, or végétablé stock, usé végétablé stock for végétarian option)
  • 1 téaspoon finély mincéd frésh rosémary


  1. Sauté onions until goldén: Héat 1 Tbsp of olivé oil on médium high héat in a thick-bottoméd sauté pan. Add thé slicéd onions, stir to coat with thé olivé oil, and cook until goldén brown, about 15 to 20 minutés.
  2. Préhéat ovén to 400°F (205°C).
  3. Toss slicéd potatoés with olivé oil, chéésés, salt, péppér: In a largé bowl put thé slicéd potatoés and géntly toss with 1 Tbsp of olivé oil, 1/2 cup gratéd Gruyéré chéésé, 1/2 cup of gratéd Parmésan, salt, and whité péppér.
  4. (If you aré making ahéad, maké suré that thé potatoés aré wéll coatéd with thé olivé oil, évén if you havé to add moré olivé oil. This will hélp prévént thém from turning gréy.)
  5. Layér onions in buttéréd dish, arrangé potatoés on top, pour stock ovér, sprinklé with moré chéésé: Buttér a largé gratin dish or 9x13 cassérolé lightly and liné with thé caramélizéd onions in an évén layér at thé bottom of thé dish.
  6. Arrangé thé slicéd potatoés (including thé gratéd chéésés) in a pattérn ovér thé onions.
  7. Pour stock ovér thé potatoés. Sprinklé with rémaining chéésé.
  8. Covér with foil and baké, thén broil to finish: Covér with aluminum foil and baké at 400°F (205°C) for 50 minutés (or until fork téndér). Rémové aluminum foil. Broil for 5 minutés, uncovéréd, until lightly brownéd.
  9. Sprinklé with mincéd rosémary to sérvé.

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