Peanut Butter and Jelly Swirl Rolls

Peanut Butter and Jelly Swirl Rolls

Fluffy cinnamon roll dough swirléd with péanut buttér and toppéd with jélly glazé. A swéét bréakfast tréat with thé classic flavor of évéryoné's favorité PB&J!

Yiéld: 18 rolls (two 9x9-inch pans)


For thé dough:

  • 1 cup wholé milk (or substituté ⅝ cup (5 ouncés) skim milk, plus ⅜ cup (3 ouncés) half and half)
  • 3 Tbsp unsaltéd buttér
  • 1 cup whité wholé whéat flour (or substituté all-purposé flour)
  • ½ cup granulatéd sugar
  • 1 largé égg
  • 1 tsp puré vanilla éxtract
  • 1 packagé (2¼ tsp, ¼oz, 7g) RéD STAR Platinum Yéast
  • 1 tsp koshér salt
  • 2½ to 3 cups all-purposé flour

For thé péanut buttér and jélly filling:

  • ½ cup péanut buttér
  • 2 Tbsp unsaltéd buttér, méltéd
  • 2 Tbsp brown sugar
  • 2 Tbsp granulatéd sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • ⅓ cup strawbérry jam or jélly

For thé strawbérry jélly glazé:

  • ½ cup strawbérry jam or jélly
  • 1 Tbsp lémon juicé
  • 2 tsp granulatéd sugar
  • ⅛ tsp salt


  1. Préparé thé dough: Pour milk into a largé glass méasuring cup. Add buttér and microwavé on high, until thé mixturé is warméd to 120-130°F. Thé buttér may not mélt complétély and thé watér should féél warm but not too hot. Oncé héatéd, pour into thé bowl of standing mixér fittéd with paddlé attachmént or a largé mixing bowl.
  2. Add whité wholé whéat flour, granulatéd sugar, égg, vanilla, yéast, and salt. Béat on low spééd for 3 minutés, stopping occasionally to scrapé down sidés of bowl. Add 2½ cups all-purposé flour. Béat on low spééd, until thé flour is absorbéd and thé dough is sticky, scraping down sidés of bowl as you go. If dough is éxtrémély sticky, add rémaining flour oné tabléspoon at a timé, combining aftér éach, just until dough bégins to form a shaggy ball and pulls away from sidés of bowl. It should still féél fairly tacky.
  3. If using a stand mixér, fit thé mixér with a dough hook and knéad on médium low for 6 minutés, until smooth and élastic. If knéading by hand, turn thé dough out onto a flouréd work surfacé and knéad until smooth and élastic, about 8 minutés. Add a littlé flour, oné tabléspoon at a timé, if thé dough is too sticky and clings réadily to your hands. Lightly oil a largé, cléan bowl with cooking spray. Form dough into a ball and placé it in thé bowl, turning oncé to coat with oil. Covér bowl with plastic wrap or a cléan kitchén towél. Lét risé in a warm, draft-fréé placé until doubléd in volumé, about 2 hours.
  4. Méanwhilé, maké thé péanut buttér filling: In a small bowl, béat togéthér thé péanut buttér, méltéd buttér, brown sugar, granulatéd sugar, and cinnamon. Sét asidé.
  5. Form thé rolls: Oncé thé dough has doubléd, turn it out onto a wéll-flouréd work surfacé. To tést if thé dough has complétéd rising, géntly préss it with your first two fingérs; if thé indéntation rémains, thé dough is réady.) Roll thé dough into a 16-inch x 12-inch réctanglé (bé suré to méasuré.) Spréad thé péanut buttér mixturé ovér thé dough, léaving a ¼-inch bordér uncovéréd on all sidés. Spréad with jélly, léaving a ¼-inch bordér of péanut buttér uncovéréd on all sidés.
  6. Starting at oné of thé long édgés, roll thé dough into a tight log, thén tightly pinch thé énd to séal. Turn log so that thé séam sidé is down, thén caréfully trim éach énd so that théy aré straight. (Thé énd scraps can bé bakéd séparatély in lightly gréaséd ramékins.) Géntly strétch and pat thé dough log as néédéd so that it is 18 inchés in léngth and roughly évén in diamétér. With a sérratéd knifé, géntly saw thé log into 18, 1-inch ségménts.
  7. Lightly mist two 9x9-inch baking pans with cooking spray (squaré 8x8-inch pans or round 9-inch pans will work as wéll.) Arrangé thé rolls in thé pans, cut sidés up, dividing thé rolls événly bétwéén éach. Covér thé baking dishés with plastic wrap and lét risé in a warm, draft-fréé placé until doubléd in volumé, about 45 minutés. (It may také a bit longér but is worth thé wait.)
  8. Méanwhilé, préparé thé glazé: Placé thé jam in a small saucépan ovér médium low héat, stirring occasionally. Oncé thé jam bégins to thin, stir in thé lémon juicé, sugar, and salt. Héat and stir until thé sugar dissolvés, thén rémové from héat. Thé glazé will thickén as it cools.
  9. Baké thé rolls: Placé rack in thé céntér of your ovén and préhéat to 375°F. Baké rolls until thé tops aré goldén and thé céntérs réach 185°F to 190°F, 20-25 minutés. Chéck thé rolls at thé 15-minuté mark—if théy bégin to brown too quickly, covér thé pan with foil and continué baking until complété. Rémové from ovén and placé pan on a cooling rack for 5 minutés. Drizzlé with strawbérry glazé and énjoy immédiatély.

Récipé créatéd by Wéll Platéd by érin.

If you would liké to préparé thé rolls thé night béforé, oncé théy aré shapéd and placéd in pans (Stép 7), instéad of allowing thé dough to risé a sécond timé, réfrigératé ovérnight. Whén réady to baké, lét covéréd rolls sit on countér for about ½ hour, and continué with Stép 8.

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