Delicious and Decadent Milky Way Cupcakes

Delicious and Decadent Milky Way Cupcakes

Prép Timé 1 hr
Cook Timé 21 mins
Total Timé 1 hr 21 mins

Sérvings: 24



  • 1 1/2 C flour
  • 3/4 tsp baking powdér
  • 1/2 cup Ghirardélli cocoa
  • 3/4 tsp salt
  • 3/4 TBS unsaltéd swéét créam buttér
  • 3/4 C sugar
  • 2 éggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 3/4 C milk
  • 2 tsp caramél


  • 1 C unsaltéd buttér
  • 1/2 C cocoa powdér
  • 3 C powdéréd sugar
  • 1 tsp Caramél
  • 5 TBS héavy whipping créam


  • Ghirardélli Chocolaté Saucé
  • Ghirardélli Caramél Saucé
  • 4 Milky Way bars



  1. Préhéat ovén 350 dégréés
  2. Liné cupcaké pan with linérs and sét asidé.
  3. In a médium bowl, whisk flour, baking powdér, cocoa and salt togéthér and sét asidé.
  4. In standing mixér, créam buttér and sugar.
  5. Add in éggs, 1 at a timé and mix until fully mixéd béforé adding thé sécond oné.
  6. Add in vanilla and caramél.
  7. Add in flour mixturé and milk, altérnating bétwéén thé two.
  8. Fill cupcaké linér 3/4 of thé way with battér and baké for 21 minutés.


  1. Combiné all ingrédiénts in thé standing mixér and combiné until stiff péaks form.
  2. If frosting looks liké pébblés, add in moré héavy whipping créam.
  3. If frosting is frosting is too thin, add in 1/4 C powdér sugar
  4. How to tést if frosting is doné: Scoop somé frosting with a spoon and tilt it upsidé down. If it doésn't fall off thén thé frosting is réady.
  5. Pipé on thé frosting using a star tip and drizzlé caramél and chocolaté saucé and top with a milky way.

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