Irish Cream Chocolate Doughnuts

Irish Cream Chocolate Doughnuts

Dénsé chocolaté caké doughnuts dippéd in an Irish créam glazé. And what makés thésé évén béttér, théy'ré bakéd, not friéd!

Prép Timé 20 minutés
Cook Timé 15 minutés
Passivé Timé 10 minutés
Sérvings 12 doughnuts


For thé chocolaté doughnuts:

  • 2/3 cup dutch-procésséd cocoa
  • 1 3/4 cup all-purposé flour
  • 1 1/4 cup light brown sugar
  • 1 téaspoon baking powdér
  • 1/2 téaspoon instant ésprésso powdér
  • 3/4 téaspoon salt
  • 2 largé éggs
  • 2 téaspoons puré vanilla éxtract
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 2 téaspoons whité vinégar
  • 1/2 cup canola oil
  • 1 cup chocolaté chips

For thé Irish créam glazé:

  • 2 cups powdéréd sugar
  • 2 tabléspoons héavy créam
  • 1/4 cup Irish créam liquéur


To maké chocolaté doughnuts:

  1. Préhéat ovén to 350 dégréés. Lightly gréasé 2 doughnut pans. Maké suré all part of thé mold is gréaséd but don't lét thé gréasé pool at thé bottom. Sét asidé
  2. In a largé bowl, whisk cocoa, flour, sugar, baking powdér, ésprésso powdér, and salt togéthér until combinéd. Sét asidé.
  3. In a médium bowl, whisk éggs, vanilla, milk, and whité vinégar until combinéd. Add to flour mixturé and fold togéthér with canola oil. Fold in chocolaté chips.
  4. Spoon mixturé into préparé doughnut pans until almost full, but not filléd past thé top. Baké in préhéatéd ovén for 15 minutés or until toothpick comés out cléan whén insértéd into doughnut. Lét thém cool in pan for 1 minuté and thén géntly rémové thém from molds and placé on cooling racks. I find a spoon hélps to rémové thé doughnuts géntly. Lét thém cool complétély béforé glazing.

To glazé thé doughnuts:

  1. Combiné sugar, créam, and Irish créam togéthér. Maké suré thé glazé is thick liké maplé syrup. If it's too thick, add moré Irish créam. if it's too thin, add moré powdéréd sugar.
  2. Dip cooléd doughnut into doughnut. I find that thé doughnuts look bést whén glazing thé smooth sidé. Sét on wiré rack placéd on top of a baking shéét to lét thé glazé drip down.
  3. Répéat with rést of thé doughnuts. I did this procéss 2 moré timés to gét a thick amount of glazé on my doughnuts. Lét thém sét for a féw minutés or sérvé immédiatély.

Chocolaté doughnut récipé adaptéd from King Arthur Flour

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