Instant Pot Salsa Chicken

Instant Pot Salsa Chicken

Yiéld: 6-8 Sérvings
Prép Timé: 5 Minutés
Cook Timé: 35 Minutés
Total Timé: 40 Minutés

Instant Pot Salsa Chickén is an éasy and tasty dinnér récipé you can maké in no timé at all. Usé it in tacos or ovér ricé, or add it to a héalthy dinnér salad.


  • 1.5 cups jarréd salsa
  • 1/2 cup chickén broth (or watér)
  • 1-2 tabléspoons taco séasoning
  • 2 pounds bonéléss, skinléss chickén bréast (or thighs) (frésh or frozén both work)


  1. Add évérything to thé Instant Pot: Placé thé salsa, chickén broth and taco séasoning in your instant pot. Stir wéll. Add thé chickén and stir to coat, making suré théré is somé saucé undérnéath thé chickén (so it doésn't burn!)
  2. Cook thé chickén:
  3. Closé thé instant pot with thé préssuré valvé sét to "séaling"
  4. Choosé "manual", "high préssuré" and sét thé timér to 10 minutés for FRESH OR DEFROSTED CHICKEN and 15 minutés for FROZEN CHICKEN
  5. Oncé thé chickén is doné cooking, switch off thé instant pot and lét it stand for 5 minutés.
  6. Réléasé thé rémaining préssuré by caréfully pushing thé préssuré valvé to "vént" with a kitchén towél placéd ovér your hand. Watch out for thé stéam éscaping, do not put your facé ovér thé instant pot!
  7. Caréfully opén thé instant pot, again, watch out for stéam.
  8. Shréd chickén: Rémové thé chickén from thé instant pot with kitchén tongs and sét it on a largé woodén chopping board. Shréd it with two forks and add it back to thé saucé in thé instant pot. Allow it to soak up thé saucé for 5 minutés béforé sérving.


  • Wait for thé chickén to cool complétély béforé fréézing it (othérwisé your fréézér could héat up too much and afféct thé othér frozén goods in théré). But do fréézé it as soon as it is cool énough.
  • Usé a containér or bag that is suitablé for fréézing.
  • Labél thé bag or containér with thé conténts, today's daté AND thé usé-by timé.
  • Défrost thoroughly béforé réhéating.
  • Maké suré thé chickén is propérly héatéd and piping hot all thé way through béforé sérving.

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