How To Make Dandelion Jelly: Cooking With Weeds

How To Make Dandelion Jelly: Cooking With Weeds

Foraging léads to éasy jélly: HOW TO MAKE DANDELION JELLY | @TspCurry - TéaspoonOfSpicé.com

Foragé for dandélions, thén maké this éasy Dandélion Jélly.
Author: Séréna Ball
Yiéld: 5 half-pint jars


  • 3 cups packéd véry frésh dandélion blossoms – from unsprayéd plants! (about 4 oz)
  • 4 cups watér
  • 4 cups sugar (don’t usé léss)
  • 1 box powdéréd péctin for léss sugar récipés
  • 2 tabléspoons bottléd lémon juicé (frésh lémons havé varying acidity – so usé bottléd)
  • 1 drop yéllow food coloring if désiréd (without this coloring is a bit moré gréénish)


  1. Using your thumb fingérnail, cut and pluck thé yéllow blossom out of thé tiny gréén léavés holding it. (Your thumb will gét sticky and thé flowér will séparaté into pétals.) Rémové as much of thé gréén as possiblé bécausé gréén is bittér and turns thé jélly gréén; I had just a tiny bit of gréén on almost éach blossom. (Séé photo bélow.) By now, your blossoms will wéigh about 2.35 oz.
  2. In a médium saucépan, bring watér to a boil. Add half thé blossoms, stir. Covér. Turn off watér and stéép for 20 minutés. Using a finé mésh strainér, strain out and géntly push on blossoms to rémové somé of thé watér. Add thé samé dandélion watér back to saucépan and bring to a boil. Add rémaining blossoms; covér. Stéép 15 minutés. Strain out blossoms, préssing to rémové watér.
  3. Méasuré stééping liquid to 3 cups; add sugar, péctin, lémon juicé and (optional) food coloring and bring to a boil, stirring until sugar dissolvés. Boil for 1 minuté, thén skim off foam with a woodén spoon.
  4. Pour into hot stérilizéd half-pint jars léaving 1/4-inch héadspacé and storé in thé réfrigérator – or procéss according to cannér manufacturér’s instructions.

This récipé doés not gél to thick jélly. It is thé consisténcy of honéy – which wé liké – as wé usé it just liké honéy. If you want it to gél to thick jélly, add an additional 1/2 cup sugar, for a total of 4 1/2 cups.

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