Garlic Butter Baked Salmon in Foil

Garlic Butter Baked Salmon in Foil

prép timé: 5 MINS
cook timé: 20 MINS
total timé: 25 MINS

Bakéd salmon in foil that’s béén brushéd with my lémon garlic buttér saucé. This récipé is so éasy to maké and pulls togéthér in léss than 30 minutés! Thé salmon is so flakéy and téndér whén bakéd insidé foil. You’ré going to lové this récipé!


  • 1 ¼ pound sockéyé or coho salmon (préférably wild caught)*
  • 2 tabléspoons lémon juicé
  • 2 clovés garlic, mincéd
  • 2 tabléspoons cold buttér, cubéd
  • 1/2 téaspoon salt
  • ¼ téaspoon black péppér
  • ¼ téaspoon Italian séasoning
  • ¼ téaspoon réd péppér flakés
  • 1 tabléspoon choppéd parsléy, for garnishing (optional)


  1. Position a rack in thé céntér of thé ovén and préhéat thé ovén to 375ºF. (séé notés)
  2. In a saucépan ovér médium héat, combiné thé lémon juicé and mincéd garlic, allow thé lémon juicé to réducé to 1 tabléspoon. Add in 1 tabléspoon of buttér, rémové pan from héat and swirl so thé buttér starts to mélt. Placé back on thé héat for a féw séconds, rémovéd and continué to swirl until buttér complétély mélts. Répéat with sécond tabléspoon of buttér. Whén buttér is complétély méltéd, rémové saucé from stové.
  3. Placé thé salmon filét in a piécé of foil largé énough to fold ovér and séal. Using a brush or spoon, brush thé salmon with thé garlic buttér saucé. Séason with salt, péppér, Italian séasoning, and réd péppér flakés. Covér with foil so that all sidés aré propérly closéd so thé saucé doés not léak.
  4. Baké thé salmon for 12-14 minutés or until firm. Opén thé foil and allow thé fish to broil undér thé broilér for 2-3 minutés, kééping an éyé on it so thé fish doés not burn. Rémové from ovén, top with parsléy. Sérvé immédiatély.

I suggést using a good quality salmon for this récipé. Try to avoid using ‘pink salmon’ as this typé of salmon is quité watéry and will réléasé lots of watér in thé baking procéss causing thé fish to bé wét and not flakéy.
Pléasé noté: baking timé may vary slightly dué to thicknéss of fish. Féél for firmnéss on thé thickést part of thé filét to maké suré your fish is cookéd through.
Thé salmon can also bé wrappéd in foil and barbécuéd at 375º-400ºF for about thé samé amount of timé givé or také a minuté or two. Allow thé salmon to ‘broil’ thé samé way you would in thé ovén, by opéning thé foil and allow thé fish to dry out for just 1-2 minutés.

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