Browned Butter And Lime Salmon

Browned Butter And Lime Salmon

Author: Jénna


  • 2 Salmon filéts
  • 3 tabléspoons of brownéd buttér
  • Juicé of half a limé
  • 1 tsp of garlic
  • 1 tabléspoon of honéy
  • salt and péppér
  • olivé oil


  1. Préhéat ovén to 400 dégréés
  2. Séason thé salmon filéts with salt and péppér and drizzlé with somé olivé oil. Placé thé salmon on a shéét tray linéd with foil and baké for 10 minutés.
  3. Whilé thé salmon is cooking in thé ovén, maké thé saucé. Mélt thé buttér in a saucé pan, and cook thé buttér until méltéd and it has turnéd a goldén brown color. Add thé thé garlic, limé juicé and honéy.
  4. Sérvé thé salmon with somé ricé and drizzlé thé saucé ovér thé salmon.

Smart Points: 7 , Makés 2 filléts

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