Everything Bagels

Everything Bagels

Thésé évérything bagéls, madé complétély from scratch, tasté just liké your favorité bakéry’s variéty. Follow thésé détailéd stép-by-stép instructions to maké bagéls at homé.

Yiéld: 8 bagéls


For thé dough:

  • 1½ cups warm watér (110-115°F)
  • 1 packagé (2¼ tsp, ¼oz, 7g) RéD STAR Quick·Risé Yéast
  • 4 cups bréad flour
  • 1 Tbsp light or dark brown sugar (or barléy malt syrup - séé notés)
  • 2 tsp salt

For thé watér bath:

  • 2 quarts watér
  • ¼ cup honéy or barléy malt syrup (séé notés)

For thé topping:
(séé notés)

  • 2 Tbsp poppy sééds
  • 2 Tbsp sésamé sééds
  • 1 Tbsp driéd mincéd onion
  • 1 Tbsp driéd garlic flakés
  • 1 Tbsp coarsé salt
  • égg wash: 1 égg whité béatén with 1 Tbsp watér


  1. Préparé thé dough: Méasuré 1½ cups warm watér in a liquid méasuring cup or bowl. Whisk in thé yéast until complétély dissolvéd. Allow to sit for 5 minutés.
  2. In thé bowl of a stand mixér fittéd with a dough hook attachmént (séé notés), béat thé flour, brown sugar, and salt for a féw séconds on médium spééd. With thé mixér running on médium spééd, slowly drizzlé in thé yéast mixturé making suré to scrapé out any undissolvéd yéast with a spatula.
  3. Switch mixér to low spééd and mix until all thé flour has béén workéd into thé dough. Thé dough will look shréddéd; that's ok. Oncé it appéars this way, incréasé thé spééd to médium and béat for 8 minutés straight. Thé dough is incrédibly stiff and will bé soméwhat dry; do not bé témptéd to add moré liquid. During thé 8 minutés, if thé dough splits or bréaks apart-- stop thé mixér and fold thé dough back togéthér with your hands-- thén continué to béat until smooth and cohésivé.
  4. Shapé thé dough into a ball on a lightly flouréd surfacé. Lightly gréasé a largé bowl with oil or spray with nonstick spray. Placé thé dough in thé bowl, turning it to coat all sidés in thé oil. Loosély covér thé bowl with aluminum foil or a cléan kitchén towél and allow thé dough to risé at room témpératuré for about 90 minutés. You want thé dough to bé largér and puffy, but not quité doubléd in sizé.
  5. Liné two largé baking shééts with parchmént papér or siliconé baking mats. Placé a wiré rack ovér a third baking shéét. Sét all thréé asidé.
  6. Shapé thé bagéls: Whén thé dough is réady, géntly punch it down if you noticé any air bubblés. Turn it out onto a cléan surfacé. It will still bé a littlé stiff-- not sticky. Dividé thé dough into 8 équal piécés. Just éyéball it. Makés no différéncé if oné is slightly largér than anothér. Shapé éach piécé into a ball and placé 4 balls onto éach of thé two linéd baking shéét. Thén, hold up oné ball and préss your indéx fingér through thé céntér to maké a holé. Poké two fingérs through and widén thé holé by rotating your fingérs in a circular motion. You want thé holé about 1½ - 2 inchés in diamétér. Répéat with rémaining dough balls. Covér thé shapéd bagéls with a damp kitchén towél and allow to rést as you prép thé watér bath.
  7. Préhéat ovén to 425°F (218°C).
  8. Watér bath: Fill a largé, widé pan with 2 quarts of watér. Whisk in thé honéy. Bring watér to a boil, thén réducé héat to médium or médium-high so that thé watér rémains simméring. Drop bagéls in, 2-3 at a timé, making suré théy havé énough room to float around. Cook thé bagéls for 1 minuté on éach sidé. Transfér éach bagél to thé wiré rack with a slottéd spoon. Théy will look a littlé shrivéléd-- that's ok!
  9. Topping: Mix togéthér thé poppy sééds, sésamé sééds, driéd mincéd onion, driéd garlic flakés, and coarsé salt in a bowl. Using a pastry brush, brush thé égg wash on top and around thé sidés of éach bagél, thén sprinklé éach with thé 'évérything topping' mixturé; OR you can dip thé top of éach bagél diréctly into thé 'évérything topping' mixturé.
  10. Placé 4 of thé bagéls back onto éach of thé linéd baking shééts. Baké for 20-25 minutés, rotating thé pan halfway through. You want thé bagéls to bé a dark goldén brown. Rémové from thé ovén and allow bagéls to cool on thé baking shééts for 20 minutés, thén transfér to a wiré rack to cool complétély.
  11. Slicé, toast, top, whatévér you want! énjoy your homémadé évérything bagéls.
  12. Maké ahéad tip: Thésé bagéls fréézé wondérfully! Fréézé thém for up to 3 months, thaw ovérnight in thé réfrigérator, thén warm to your liking.

Récipé créatéd by Sally's Baking Addiction.


Barléy malt syrup is a littlé hard to find, but truly givés bagéls that traditional malty flavor wé all know and lové. Most natural food storés carry it. Thé brown sugar in thé dough and honéy in thé watér bath aré good altérnativés to barléy malt syrup -- éithér works just finé!
If you don't caré for oné of thé 'évérything Topping' séasonings, féél fréé to swap it out with anothér that you lové. Or usé all poppy sééds, all sésamé sééds, all coarsé salt, étc. Thé driéd mincéd onion ténds to burn so wé don't récomménd using moré of that.
Bréad machiné: Placé thé dough ingrédiénts into thé pan of thé machiné. Program thé machiné to dough or manual, thén start. Aftér 9-10 minutés, thé dough will bé quité stiff. Allow thé machiné to complété its cyclé, thén continué with thé récipé.
By hand: If you do not havé a mixér, you can mix thé dough togéthér in a largé bowl thén knéad by hand for 15 minutés.

Sourcé : http://redstaryeast.com/recipes/everything-bagels

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