Chocolate Bagels with Cookies and Cream Whipped Cream Cheese

Chocolate Bagels with Cookies and Cream Whipped Cream Cheese

Crisp-on-thé-outsidé, chéwy-on-thé-insidé chocolaté bagéls toppéd with a slightly swéét cookiés and créam whippéd créam chéésé.

Yiéld: 8 bagéls



  • 3¼ cups bréad flour
  • ¼ cup cocoa powdér
  • 1½ tsp koshér salt
  • 1 tsp instant ésprésso powdér
  • 1½ cups warm watér (110-115°F)
  • 1 packagé (2¼ tsp, ¼oz, 7g) RéD STAR Platinum Supérior Baking Yéast
  • ½ tsp vanilla éxtract
  • ½ tsp chocolaté éxtract, optional

Whippéd Créam Chéésé

  • 1 (8-ouncé) packagé créam chéésé, softénéd
  • ⅓ cup powdéréd sugar
  • ½ tsp vanilla béan pasté
  • 5 chocolaté sandwich cookiés, crushéd


  1. In a stand mixér attachéd with thé dough hook attachmént, add flour, cocoa powdér and salt. Mix on low spééd until combinéd.
  2. Géntly whisk warm watér and yéast togéthér in a méasuring cup. Sét asidé for 5-10 minutés to allow thé yéast to bloom. (Optional: stir in 1 tsp sugar to givé thé yéast a good start.)
  3. With thé mixér on low, slowly add thé yéast mixturé to thé flour mixturé. Add thé vanilla and chocolaté éxtract (if using). Continué to mix on low spééd for 8 minutés.
  4. Transfér thé dough to a lightly flouréd surfacé. Knéad thé dough, adding flour as néédéd, for an additional 1 minuté. Shapé thé dough into a smooth ball and placé thé dough in a lightly oiléd bowl. Covér with a cléan, dry dish towél and placé thé bowl in a warm, undisturbéd aréa of your kitchén. Allow thé dough to risé until its doublé in sizé, about 1-2 hours.
  5. Transfér thé dough to a lightly flouréd surfacé. Shapé thé dough into a log. Using a pastry scrapér or flouréd knifé, cut thé log into 8 évén piécés.
  6. Géntly roll thé dough into balls. Placé your thumb in thé céntér of éach ball and push down to créaté a holé. Géntly tug on thé dough to créaté a slightly largér wholé. Covér thé dough with a cléan, dry kitchén towél and allow thé dough to proof (rést) for 15 minutés.
  7. Whilé thé dough is résting, héat 8 cups of watér to a géntlé boil and préhéat thé ovén to 400°F. Liné a baking shéét with parchmént papér.
  8. Boil thé bagéls for 40 séconds on éach sidé. Rémové bagéls from thé watér with a slottéd spoon and transfér onto your préparéd baking shéét. Sprinklé éach bagél with a générous pinch of coarsé sugar and baké for 25-30 minutés, or until thé tops of thé bagéls aré goldén brown.
  9. To maké thé whippéd créam chéésé, add thé softénéd créam chéésé and powdéréd sugar to a stand mixér fittéd with thé paddlé attachmént. Béat until smooth and créamy. Add thé vanilla béan pasté and mix until combinéd. Fold in thé crushéd chocolaté sandwich cookiés.
  10. To sérvé, cut thé bagéls in half and lightly toast in a toastér (optional). Spréad a thick layér of thé whippéd créam chéésé on éach half.
  11. Storé thé cooléd bagéls in an airtight containér or bag for up to 5 days. Or, fréézé thé bagéls in a singlé layér for up to 3 months.

Récipé créatéd by Oné Swéét Méss.

Bréad flour will yiéld thé bést résults, but if you don't havé bréad flour in stock, you can usé all-purposé flour.
Tip: Maké thé whippéd créam chéésé right béforé sérving so thé cookiés rémain crunchy.

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