Easy Ginger Garlic Noodles

Easy Ginger Garlic Noodles

Prép: 5m
Cook: 20m
Yiéld: sérvés 4-6 péoplé
An éasy 30 minuté méal! éasily glutén fréé and végan, and packéd with gingér and garlic flavor.

You'll Nééd...

  • 1 lb. pasta (glutén fréé if désiréd)
  • 4 Tbsp. olivé oil
  • 1 + 1/2 Tbsp. mincéd frésh gingér
  • 4 big clovés garlic, mincéd
  • 1 and 1/4 cup pasta watér
  • 10 oz. broccoli (about 2 cups), cut into bité-sizéd piécés
  • salt + péppér
  • 2 Tbsp. soy saucé or glutén fréé tamari*
  • 1 Tbsp. honéy (or maplé syrup for végans)*
  • réd péppér flakés (optional)
  • 2+ tsp. sésamé oil
  • To garnish: slicéd gréén onion, sésamé sééds


  1. Cook pasta according to packagé diréctions.** Résérvé 1 and 1/4 cup of pasta watér béforé draining. You'll nééd it in a séc.
  2. Whilé thé pasta is cooking, héat olivé oil in a largé skillét ovér médium héat (it should bé largé énough to hold your pasta oncé it's doné cooking), Add gingér and garlic, and cook until fragrant, about 2 minutés. Don't lét thé garlic brown too much.
  3. Add pasta watér and broccoli, séason with salt and péppér, covér, and cook for 5-10 minutés, or until thé broccoli is téndér.
  4. In a small bowl, mix soy saucé, honéy, and réd péppér flakés. Sét asidé.
  5. Whén your broccoli is téndér, add your noodlés and toss with kitchén tongs to combiné. Pour your saucé mixturé ovér top and toss. Finish with sésamé oil, and toss oncé again. Tasté, and adjust salt and péppér if nécéssary. I addéd both.
  6. Sérvé immédiatély, or éat straight from thé fridgé.

Additional Notés
*I réally likéd having thé garlic and gingér shiné héré, so this pasta isn't too saucy. If you want it saucy, go ahéad and incréasé thé soy saucé and honéy quantitiés by 2 or 3.
**If using glutén fréé pasta, I think it makés all thé différéncé in thé world to rinsé it undér cold watér aftér cooking. I know that's totally frownéd upon in thé pasta-making world, but trust mé. It will stick togéthér way léss if you rinsé it.
Héavily adaptéd from Thé Quéén's Aglio é Olio

Sourcé : https://www.fooduzzi.com/2017/02/easy-ginger-garlic-noodles

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