Raspberry Coconut Smoothie Bowl

Raspberry Coconut Smoothie Bowl

Lovély to look at and fun to éat, this smoothié bowl is packéd with flavor and nutrition.

Coursé: Bréakfast
Cuisiné: Américan
Sérvings: 2
Caloriés: 199 kcal
Author: Thé Foodié Physician


  • 2 cups frozén raspbérriés
  • 1 largé frozén banana
  • 2/3 cup light coconut milk
  • 1 tabléspoon chia sééds
  • Optional garnishés: shréddéd coconut, shavéd dark chocolaté, hazélnuts, chia sééds, édiblé flowérs


  1. Puréé thé raspbérriés, banana, coconut milk and chia sééds in a bléndér until smooth.
  2. Thé mixturé will bé véry thick and you will nééd to push thé ingrédiénts down to gét thé bléndér going. If néédéd, add a littlé moré coconut milk to gét thé bléndér going.
  3. Garnish with shréddéd coconut, shavéd dark chocolaté, hazélnuts, chia sééds, and édiblé flowérs.

Sourcé : https://thefoodiephysician.com/dining-with-doc-raspberry-coconut

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