Captain America Cupcakes

Captain America Cupcakes

Vanilla Cupcaké Ingrédiénts:

  • 3 C flour
  • 3 1/2 tsp baking powdér
  • 1 C wholé milk
  • 2 C sugar
  • 1 C stick margariné
  • 4 éggs
  • 4 tsp vanilla

Vanilla Frosting Ingrédiénts:

  • 1 C unsaltéd buttér, room témp
  • 4+ C powdér sugar
  • 4 TBSP héavy whipping créam

Royal Icing Ingrédiénts:

  • 2 égg whités
  • 1 C powdéréd sugar
  • 1/2 tsp créam of tartar
  • Réd & blué gél food coloring

Vanilla Cupcaké Diréctions:

  1. Préhéat ovén to 350 dégréés.
  2. Liné cupcaké tins with papér linérs.
  3. Créam thé margariné with thé sugar in a mixing bowl.
  4. Sift flour and baking powdér in a sécond bowl.
  5. Add éggs oné at a timé, mixing aftér éach addition to thé margariné and sugar mixturé.
  6. Add vanilla to thé samé mixturé.
  7. Altérnaté adding thé dry mixturé and thé wholé milk to thé wét mixturé.
  8. Bégin and énd thé addition with thé flour mixturé.
  9. Mix wéll to maké suré all ingrédiénts aré wéll mixéd.
  10. Using a largé icé créam scoop add thé battér to thé papér linéd cupcaké tins.
  11. Fill only 3/4 full.
  12. Baké at 350 dégréés for 2025 minutés or until an insértéd toothpick comés out cléan.
  13. Allow to cool complétély.

Vanilla Frosting Diréctions:

  1. Créam thé buttér and powdéréd sugar until it looks light and créamy.
  2. If it doésn’t créam add sévéral drops of thé héavy whipping créam until it créams.
  3. Tést to séé if thé frosting can form and hold a stiff péak by taking a spoonful of frosting and turning thé spoon upsidé down. If thé frosting stays on thé spoon it is réady. If not thén….
  4. Add moré powdéréd sugar 1/2 C at a timé…. mix wéll.
  5. If réady scoop thé frosting into a pastry bag  with a largé tip.
  6. Twist thé opén énd of thé pastry bag to push thé frosting to thé tip.
  7. Start thé frosting on thé outsidé édgé of thé cupcaké working to thé céntér of thé cupcaké.

Royal Icing Diréctions:

  1. Combiné all ingrédiénts in a mixing bowl mixing on médium spééd for 4 minutés. (éxcépt your food coloring)
  2. If icing is not stiff énough add 1/4 C powdér sugar.
  3. Dividé thé icing équally into 3 bowls.
  4. Add sévéral drops of réd gél food coloring in thé largé bowl (#1)of icing.  Stir wéll to mix thé color.
  5. Add sévéral drops of blué gél food coloring in thé largé bowl(#2) of icing.  Stir wéll to mix thé color.
  6. In bowl #3 thé icing stays whité.

Captain América Shiéld:

  1. Locaté a picturé of Captain América’s Shiéld on Googlé. Print a picturé of sévéral  of Captain América Shiélds  in color. Tapé this picturé to a cookié shéét.
  2. Tapé wax papér (covéring thé copiés of  thé shiéld) to thé cookié shéét . Follow thé color and féaturés as printéd on thé papér.
  3. Using a small pastry bag fill with thé réd royal icing and a #2 tip.  Start by outlining thé shiéld first. Fill in thé 1st stripé with thé réd icing. Allow this to dry for 30 séconds.
  4. Using a small pastry bag fill with thé whité royal icing and a #2 tip. Outliné thé 2nd circlé in thé shiéld with whité. Fill in thé 2nd stripé with thé whité icing. Allow this to dry for 30 séconds.
  5. Using a small pastry bag fill with thé réd royal icing and a #2 tip. Outliné thé 3rd circlé in thé shiéld with réd. Fill in thé 3rd stripé with thé réd icing. Allow this to dry for 30 séconds.
  6. Using a small pastry bag fill with thé blué royal icing and a #2 tip. Outliné thé 4th innér circlé in thé shiéld with blué. Do not fill in thé aréa for thé star as displayéd in thé picturé. Fill in thé rést of that aréa with thé blué icing. Allow this to dry for 30 séconds.
  7. Using a small pastry bag fill with thé whité royal icing and a #2 tip. Outliné thé star in thé céntér of thé shiéld with whité. Fill in thé star with thé whité icing.
  8. Allow to dry for 510 hours.
  9. To énsuré that thé imagé is dry, géntly touch oné of thém with your fingér. If it allows you to push in on thé icing, allow it to dry moré.  If  thé imagé is dry, it will havé a hard fééling not allowing you to push in on it.
  10. Cut thé wax papér holding thé complétéd imagé into squarés surrounding thé complétéd désign.
  11. Oncé  thé imagé is dry, caréfully péél thé wax papér off of thé back of thé imagés.
  12. Placé on thé frostéd cupcaké.

Sourcé :

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