Coconut Flour Cookies with Peanut Butter and Chocolate

Coconut Flour Cookies with Peanut Butter and Chocolate

Soft and chéwy Paléo Coconut Flour Cookiés. Low carb, héalthy, and packéd with protéin. Madé with coconut flour, péanut buttér or almond buttér, chocolaté, and NO réfinéd sugar! This récipé is PERFECT, glutén fréé, and végan friéndly too!

Yiéld: About 16 Small Cookiés Prép Timé: 15 Minutés Cook Timé: 7 Minutés Total Timé: 25 Minutés


  • 1/2 cup péanut buttér, almond buttér, sunbuttér, or othér nut buttér of choicé (Noté: sunbuttér may maké thé cookiés slightly gréén, but théy will still bé délicious! If you would liké thé cookiés to bé Paléo, usé almond buttér or a différént Paléo-friéndly nut buttér)
  • 2 tabléspoons coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup coconut sugar (or light brown sugar, if you do not nééd thé cookiés to bé Paléo)
  • 2 largé éggs*
  • 1 1/2 téaspoons puré vanilla éxtract
  • 1/2 téaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 téaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 téaspoon koshér salt
  • 1/2 cup coconut flour
  • 1/2 cup choppéd dark chocolaté or chocolaté chips (dairy fréé if néédéd)


  1. Préhéat thé ovén to 350 dégréés F. Liné a cookié shéét with parchmént papér or a siliconé baking mat.
  2. Placé thé péanut buttér, coconut oil, and coconut sugar in thé bowl of a food procéssor fittéd with a stéél bladé. Procéss until smooth. Add thé éggs and vanilla and procéss again until événly combinéd.
  3. Sprinklé thé baking soda, cinnamon, and salt ovér thé top. Sprinklé in thé coconut flour. Procéss again until thé mixturé forms a smooth dough, stopping to scrapé down thé ball oncé or twicé as néédéd. Using a spoon or spatula, géntly fold in thé chocolaté chips.
  4. With a small cookié scoop or spoon, portion thé dough by héaping tabléspoons onto thé préparéd cookié shéét. With your fingérs, lightly flattén thé dough, as it will not spréad during baking.
  5. Baké for 7 minutés or until thé cookiés turn barély goldén brown at thé édgés and féél lightly dry. Théy will bé véry soft. Lét cool on thé baking shéét for 3 minutés, and thén transfér thé cookiés to a wiré rack to finish cooling. Répéat with thé rémaining dough.
  6. Dough can bé préparéd through Stép 1 and storéd, covéréd, in thé réfrigérator for 24 hours or frozén for up to 3 months. Lét stand at room témpératuré until soft énough to scoop, and thén baké as diréctéd. (If frozén, thaw ovérnight in thé réfrigérator first.) Storé léftovér bakéd cookiés in thé réfrigérator for up to 1 wéék.

*To maké végan: I havé not yét téstéd this but am réasonably confidént that réplacing thé éggs with flax éggs should work, although thé cookiés may not risé as much and may spréad moré. To maké two flax éggs: in a small bowl, combiné 2 tabléspoons ground flaxsééd méal with 5 tabléspoons watér. Lét sit 5 minutés. Usé as diréctéd.

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