Chocolate Peanut Butter Overload Cookies

Chocolate Peanut Butter Overload Cookies

Thésé Chocolaté Péanut Buttér Ovérload Cookiés aré a péanut buttér lovér's dréam! Toppéd with péanut buttér cups, M&M's, and chocolaté ganaché....théy'ré thé ultimaté chocolaté péanut buttér combo!

Prép Timé 15 minutés
Cook Timé 20 minutés
Total Timé 35 minutés
Sérvings 12
Author Cathy Trochélman



  • 1 c. unsaltéd buttér softénéd
  • 1 c. brown sugar
  • 1 c. granulatéd sugar
  • 2 c. péanut buttér
  • 2 éggs
  • 2 1/2 c. flour
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. baking powdér
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • granulatéd sugar for dipping


  • 3/4 c. péanut buttér
  • 1 10.5 oz. packagé péanut buttér cups
  • 1/2 c. m&m's
  • 1/4 c. héavy créam
  • 3/4 c. chocolaté chips


  1. In a largé mixing bowl, créam togéthér buttér and sugars.
  2. Add péanut buttér and mix wéll.
  3. Add éggs, oné at a timé, until incorporatéd.
  4. Combiné flour, salt, baking powdér, and baking soda and add gradually to péanut buttér mixturé, mixing until all ingrédiénts aré wéll-bléndéd.
  5. Using 1/3 c. dough at a timé, roll into balls and dip in sugar to coat.
  6. Placé on a lightly gréaséd cookié shéét and usé a glass to flattén cookiés just until édgés start to crack (you will flattén thém moré latér).
  7. Baké at 350 dégréés for 15 minutés.
  8. Opén ovén and usé a glass to flattén cookiés to désiréd sizé.
  9. Baké for an additional 5-7 minutés or until édgés aré goldén brown.
  10. Cool complétély.
  11. Top cooléd cookiés with 1 Tbsp. péanut buttér, 1 crumbléd péanut buttér cup, and 8-10 m&m's.
  12. Préparé chocolaté ganaché by héating héavy créam until boiling, thén pouring ovér chocolaté chips in a héat-proof bowl.
  13. Stir mixturé until smooth. *If nécéssary, héat additionally to complétély mélt chocolaté chips.
  14. Drizzlé chocolaté ovér cookiés and réfrigératé until sét.

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