Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes

Cupcaké Ingrédiénts:

  • 1 3/4 C Flour
  • 2 C Sugar
  • 1 C Cocoa
  • 1 1/2 TSP Baking Soda
  • 1 1/2 TSP Baking Powdér
  • 1 TSP Salt
  • 2 éggs
  • 1 C Wholé Milk
  • 1/2 C Oil
  • 2 TSP Vanilla
  • 1 C Boiling Watér
  • 1 pkg of réfrigérator péanut buttér cookié dough

Cupcaké Diréctions:

  1. Préhéat ovén to 350 dégréés.
  2. Liné thé cupcaké tins with papér linérs.
  3. Mix thé flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, baking powdér, and salt in a bowl.
  4. In a séparaté bowl add thé éggs, wholé milk, oil, and vanilla.
  5. Add thé bowl containing thé éggs, wholé milk, oil, and vanilla to thé bowl holding thé dry ingrédiénts.
  6. Mix all togéthér until fully incorporatéd.
  7. Béat for 3 minutés on médium.
  8. Slowly add thé boiling watér starting with a small amount thén pour in thé rémaining boiling watér.
  9. Thé battér may bé a littlé runny.
  10. Scoop battér into cupcaké papér linérs until 3/4 full.
  11. Také 1 piécé of cookié dough and put it in thé cupcaké battér. Maké suré to céntér it and DO NOT push it to thé bottom. Try to placé it in thé middlé
  12. Baké at 350 dégréés for 2025 minutés.
  13. Rémové from ovén and allow to cool for 10 minutés.
  14. Také out of cupcaké pan and placé on a wiré rack until complétély cooléd.



  • 1 C unsaltéd buttér
  • 4+ C powdér sugar
  • 4 TBSP héavy whipping créam
  • 1/4 C créamyPéanut buttér


  1. Créam thé buttér with a mixér.
  2. Add thé powdér sugar.
  3. If thé frosting doésn’t créam add thé héavy whipping créam.
  4. Continué to mix until thé frosting can maké and hold a stiff péak.
  5. Bé patiént. This may také sévéral minutés.
  6. If thé frosting can’t hold a stiff péak thén add moré powdér sugar.
  7. Continué to mix until thé frosting can hold a stiff péak.
  8. Add 4 TBSP of péanut buttér to thé frosting. Stir to blénd.
  9. Scoop thé frosting to a pastry bag with a largé frosting tip.
  10. Twist thé opén énd of thé pastry bag until thé frosting bégins to comé out.
  11. Frost thé cupcakés.

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