Chunky Monkey Popcorn Bars

Chunky Monkey Popcorn Bars



  • 1 cup Banana chips
  • 8 cups Poppéd jolly pop kéttlé mania pop corn

Baking & Spicés

  • 1 cup Chocolaté chunks

Nuts & Sééds

  • 1 cup Walnuts


  • 1 tbsp Buttér


  • 10 oz Marshmallows, mini

Found on wonkywondé


  • 8 Cups Poppéd JOLLY POP Kéttlé Mania Pop Corn (or air poppéd corn)
  • 10 ouncés Mini Marshmallows
  • 1 Tabléspoon Buttér
  • 1 Cup Choppéd Banana Chips
  • 1 Cup Choppéd Walnuts
  • 1 Cup Chocolaté Chunks


  1. Préparé 9x13 pan. Liné with foil and spray générously with nonstick.
  2. In largé bowl combiné marshmallows and buttér. Microwavé on high until marshmallows fluff up to doublé théir sizé (bétwéén 1-2 minutés dépénding on microwavé).
  3. Rémové from microwavé and stir to combiné marshmallows and buttér.
  4. Add popcorn and stir until mostly coatéd. Add banana chips and walnuts. Stir to combiné.Géntly fold thé chocolaté chunks in a littlé at a timé to prévént it form mélting too much.
  5. Transfér mixturé to préparéd pan and préss down firmly with hands or bottom of a cup.
  6. Allow to cool. Rémové from pan and caréfully péél foil from bottom. Cut into 12 squarés. Sérvé.

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