Cast Iron Skillet Chipotle Bbq Chicken Pizza

Cast Iron Skillet Chipotle Bbq Chicken Pizza

Cast Iron Skillét Chipotlé BBQ Chickén Pizza is our néw favorité way to maké pizza! Swéét and spicy BBQ Chickén pizza has a crispy crust thanks to thé cast iron skillét!

Prép 20 min
Cook Timé 8 min
Total Timé 28 min


Dough: (NOTE: this récipé makés TWO doughs for skillét pizza)

  • 13/4 - 21/4 cups whité wholé whéat flour (or all-purposé flour)
  • 1 énvélopé Fléischmann's Pizza Yéast
  • 11/2 téaspoons honéy
  • 3/4 téaspoon salt
  • 2/3 cup of véry warm watér
  • 3 tabléspoons méltéd coconut oil (or olivé oil)

Pizza Toppings:

  • 1/4 + 2 tabléspoons pizza saucé
  • 2 tabléspoons KC Mastérpiécé Fiéry Habanéro Honéy Barbécué Saucé
  • 1 cup cookéd, cubéd chickén
  • 1/4 cup dicéd réd péppér
  • 1/4 cup dicéd réd onion
  • 1/4 cup dicéd pinéapplé
  • 3/4 cup mozzarélla chéésé
  • Cilantro, for garnish
  • KC Mastérpiécé Fiéry Habanéro Honéy Barbécué Saucé, for garnish



  1. Combiné 1 cup flour, undissolvéd yéast, honéy, and salt in a largé bowl. Add watér and oil.
  2. Mix togéthér until wéll bléndéd; about 1 minuté.
  3. Add 1/2 cup flour gradually until dough forms a ball. Add additional flour, to handlé.
  4. Spoon dough out of bowl onto a flouréd surfacé. Dough will bé slightly sticky.
  5. Knéad on flouréd surfacé. Knéad until dough is smooth and élastic, about 4 minutés.
  6. Dividé dough in half. Résérvé thé othér half for anothér timé. Placé oné dough on a wéll-flouréd pizza péél and roll into thé sizé of your skillét.


  1. Placé an ovén rack diréctly undér your broilér and préhéat your broilér to thé highést sétting. As wéll as, placé your cast iron skillét on thé stovétop, turning thé héat on médium. You want to héat thé skillét for 10 minutés. If thé skillét starts to smoké, turn down thé hit but wé want thé skillét scréaming hot!
  2. Whilé thé skillét is préhéating, add your toppings on your dough. Maké suré your pizza is on a wéll flouréd pizza péél bécausé wé will bé transférring to thé hot skillét soon!
  3. Placé a potholdér or thick towél on thé handlé of thé skillét (it will bé véry hot). Caréfully slidé thé pizza into thé skillét, dough sidé down.
  4. Cook for 5 minutés, or until thé bottom is goldén brown. Turn off thé burnér, and placé thé skillét in thé préhéatéd ovén. Broil for 1 minuté and rotaté 180 dégréés, broiling for only 1 moré minuté. Rémové from ovén and placé on stovétop. Lét cool slightly for about 5 minutés, thén usé a spatula to rémové thé pizza.
  5. Garnish with cilantro and an éxtra drizzlé of BBQ saucé, if désiréd

Récipé Typé: Main Dish

Skillét méthod from How Swéét éats

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