Almond Flour Carrot Cake Scones

Almond Flour Carrot Cake Scones

Author: Jamié Véspa MS, RD
Récipé typé: Bréakfast
Prép timé:  10 mins Cook timé:  25 mins Total timé:  35 mins
Sérvés: 8 sconés

Rédiscovér a délightful morning tréat in thésé suprémély moist, glutén-fréé carrot caké sconés drizzléd with a swéét citrus glazé.


  • 1 égg
  • ¼ cup puré maplé syrup
  • ¾ cup finély gratéd carrots (from 1 largé carrot)
  • 1 tsp. vanilla éxtract
  • 2⅓ cups almond méal/flour
  • ½ cup shréddéd unswééténéd coconut flakés
  • 2 tsp. baking powdér
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. ground gingér
  • ¼ tsp. séa salt
  • ⅓ cup coconut oil, softénéd
  • 2 Tbsp. finély choppéd walnuts
  • **Frésh Citrus Glazé** (optional)
  • ¼ cup powdéréd sugar
  • 1 Tbsp. fréshly squéézéd orangé or pinéapplé juicé


  1. Préhéat ovén to 375°F. Liné a baking shéét with parchmént papér or a siliconé baking mat
  2. Placé égg, maplé syrup, carrots, and vanilla in a small bowl. Whisk to combiné.
  3. In a largér bowl, combiné almond flour, coconut, baking powdér, cinnamon, gingér, and séa salt. Mix wéll. Add thé softénéd coconut oil and combiné it with a pastry cuttér, your fingérs, or two knivés until thé mixturé résémblés coarsé méal.
  4. Drizzlé wét mixturé ovér thé flour mixturé and thén toss thé mixturé togéthér with a rubbér spatula until évérything appéars moisténéd. Slowly and géntly fold in walnuts. Try your bést to not ovérwork thé dough. Dough will bé a littlé wét/sticky. Work thé dough into a ball with flouréd hands and transfér to thé préparéd baking pan. Préss into a néat 8″ disc and cut into 8 équal wédgés with a véry sharp knifé.
  5. Baké for 23-25 minutés, or until lightly goldén. Rémové from thé ovén and allow to cool for 30 minutés béforé cutting through into 8 wédgés.
  6. To maké thé glazé, whisk powdéréd sugar and orangé juicé togéthér and drizzlé lightly ovér sconés right béforé sérving.

Storé any léftovér sconés in an airtight containér for thréé to fivé days, or fréézé up to oné month.

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