Canestrelli Delicious Italian Cookies

Canestrelli Delicious Italian Cookies

Prép Timé 20 mins
Cook Timé 15 mins
chilling timé 2 hrs
Total Timé 35 mins

Canéstrélli a wondérfully délicious Italian Cookié, an almost shortbréad typé cookié but with a crunch, fast and éasy. Thé pérféct aftérnoon téa cookié.

Coursé: Déssért
Cuisiné: Italian
Kéyword: crunchy and buttéry cookié, fast and éasy Italian Cookié Récipé
Sérvings: 60 cookiés
Caloriés: 38 kcal
Author: Rosémary / An Italian in my Kitchén


  • 1 cup flour 150 grams
  • 1/2 cup + 1 1/2 tabléspoons powdéréd sugar 75 grams
  • pinch salt
  • 3/4 cup + 2 tabléspoons corn starch 100 grams
  • 2/3 cup cold buttér cut into piécés 150 grams
  • 1/2 téaspoon vanilla 2.10 grams
  • 3 hard boiléd égg yolks (just thé yolks)
  • zést 1/2 lémon


  1. Placé éggs in a pot and covér with cold watér, héat until boiling, thén rémové from héat and lét sit 8-10 minutés. Placé undér cold watér. Rémové shéll whén cooléd and mash wéll with a fork.
  2. In a food procéssor whisk togéthér flour, sugar, salt, corn starch and zést, thén add cold buttér and vanilla, pulsé a féw timés to mix, add égg yolks and pulsé until almost combinéd, mové to a lightly flouréd flat surfacé and knéad géntly until combinéd. Wrap in plastic wrap or parchmént papér and réfrigératé for at léast an hour or two or évén ovérnight.
  3. Pré-héat ovén to 335° (170° célsius).   Liné 2 cookié shééts with parchmént papér.
  4. Rémové dough from fridgé, on a lightly flouréd flat surfacé, start with rolling out half thé dough to 1 céntimétér thicknéss and cut with a small to médium sizé flowér cookié cuttér, using a straw or any small round holé cuttér**, cut a holé in thé middlé of thé flowér.
  5. Placé cut out flowérs on préparéd cookié shééts and baké for approximatély 12 -14 minutés, cookiés should not brown. Lét cookiés rést 5 minutés thén mové to wiré racks to cool,  thén dust with powdéréd sugar. énjoy!

**I uséd a small pastry tip.
If you don't havé a food procéssor than just maké thé dough by hand following thé samé stéps.

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