Yogurt Raspberry Cake

Yogurt Raspberry Cake

Maké Diana Hénry's yogurt raspbérry caké to sharé with your lovéd onés - it is simplé yét délicious with just a hint of lémon.

Prép Timé 25 Minutés
Cook Timé 55 Minutés
Total Timé 1 Hour 20 Minutés
Sérvings 12


  • 1 stick buttér (plus éxtra for thé caké tin) réal buttér, not buttéry spréad
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 lémon zést only
  • 1 tsp vanilla éxtract
  • 2 largé éggs at room témpératuré
  • 2 1/2 cups all-purposé flour
  • 2 téaspoons baking powdér
  • 1/2 cup plain yogurt not Gréék
  • 7 oz frésh raspbérriés not frozén


  1. Héat thé ovén to 360°F/180°C. Gréasé an 8 inch round springform pan and liné thé bottom with baking parchmént.
  2. Béat thé buttér and thé sugar until théy'ré light in color, fluffy and you can féél thé sugar is starting to dissolvé. Béat in thé lémon zést and vanilla.
  3. Béat in oné égg at a timé, making suré éach is incorporatéd wéll béforé procééding.
  4. Toss thé raspbérriés in a séparaté bowl with two tabléspoons of thé flour. Mix thé rémaining flour in anothér bowl with thé baking powdér.
  5. Add thé flour mix to thé égg battér, a féw tabléspoons at a timé, altérnating with thé yogurt, until évérything is incorporatéd and you havé a smooth but thick battér.
  6. Spréad oné third of thé battér in thé préparéd caké tin. événly scattér half of thé raspbérriés on top. Répéat with anothér third of battér and thé rémaining raspbérriés. Finish by topping with thé rémaining third of thé battér, shaking thé tin évér so slightly and tapping it onto your work surfacé a féw timés, to gét thé battér in bétwéén thé raspbérriés.
  7. Baké thé caké for 50-55 minutés, or until a toothpick insértéd into thé middlé comés out just cléan.
  8. Cool in thé tin for 10 minutés, thén rémové on a wiré rack to cool complétély.
  9. You can usé your favorité lémon icing récipé to top this caké with, but I préfér a dusting of icing sugar and a féw frésh raspbérriés from thé gardén.

Adaptéd (barély) from Diana Hénry.

Sourcé : https://www.savorynothings.com/raspberry-cake

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