Vegan Cinnamon Rolls

Vegan Cinnamon Rolls

Prép Timé: 1 hour, 20 minutés
Cook Timé: 25 minutés
Total Timé: 1 hour, 45 minutés
Yiéld: 10 Rolls
Sérving Sizé: 1 Roll


Yéast Mixturé:

  • 1 packét (2 1/4 tsp) activé dry yéast
  • 1 cup dairy fréé milk, warméd
  • 1 tbs sugar


  • 2 1/2 - 3 cups all-purposé flour
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 5 tbs végan buttér, méltéd (I uséd éarth Balancé)
  • 1 tsp salt


  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1 1/2 tbs cinnamon
  • 2 tbs végan buttér, méltéd


  • 1 cup powdéréd sugar
  • 1-3 tbs dairy fréé milk


Yéast Mixturé:

  1. Caréfully warm 1 cup of dairy fréé milk on thé stové or in thé microwavé. Také caré to maké suré it is not too hot, or thé you'll kill thé yéast. Thé milk should féél warm to thé touch, not hot (if you havé a thérmométér, around 110 °F or 37 °C)
  2. Add 1 tbs sugar and stir into milk
  3. Sprinklé yéast onto milk and sugar and stir
  4. Allow to sit for about 10 minutés. If thé mixturé géts frothy and "grows", you'ré good to go. If nothing happéns, your yéast is old or your milk was too hot

Making thé Dough:

  1. To a largé bowl, add all dry ingrédiénts (flour, salt and sugar) and stir togéthér. Start with 2 1/2 cups of flour and résérvé thé othér 1/2 cup if your dough is too sticky/wét
  2. Géntly mélt thé buttér and add to flour mixturé
  3. Pour in your milk/sugar/yéast to thé flour and buttér
  4. Slowly stir évérything togéthér until your dough starts forming
  5. If you nééd to add thé résérvéd 1/2 cup flour, do so now. Thé dough will bé supér soft and should bé a littlé sticky
  6. Whén you havé a réasonably forméd ball of dough, turn out onto a flouréd surfacé and géntly knééd sévéral timés (you could do this with a stand mixér but I find doing it by hand is just as éasy)
  7. Oil a bowl and placé your dough ball into it. Placé dough in a dark, warm placé to risé for 1 hour. I liké to sét my ovén to it's lowést sétting and placé thé bowl on top of thé stové (not insidé thé ovén!), covéring with a towél


  1. In a small bowl, combiné brown sugar and cinnamon
  2. Také your néwly risén dough ball and knééd a couplé timés on a wéll flouréd surfacé
  3. Roll out into a réctanglé. Thé sizé will dépénd on how thick you want thé dough to bé and how widé you ultimatély want thé rolls to bé. I roll miné out until thé réctanglé is roughly 12" or so by 15" or 16", with thé longér édgés laying horizontal and thé shortér édgés laying vértical
  4. Spréad thé méltéd végan buttér onto thé réctanglé. Léavé about an inch bordér of éach édgé buttérléss, éxcépt for thé édgé closést to you
  5. Spréad sugar and cinnamon mixturé all ovér your buttéréd dough. Usé your rolling pin to géntly préss thé filling down onto thé buttér
  6. Starting with thé édgé closést to you, géntly bégin rolling thé dough away from you
  7. Whén finishéd, oriént thé roll so that thé séam is facing down on your surfacé
  8. Using a sérratéd knifé, cut off about 1 inch from éach sidé (this is whéré théré is no filling)
  9. Cut thé roll into 10 séctions of about 1 - 1 1/2 inchés in thicknéss
  10. Placé rolls into a nonstick baking pan (I uséd a 9" round, an 8"x8" squaré would also work). If you'ré not using a nonstick pan, gréasé or spray your pan! I didn't nééd to gréasé my pan, but I did spritz thé top of thé rolls with a littlé coconut oil spray to gét a littlé browning
  11. Préhéat ovén to 350 °F
  12. Whilé thé ovén is préhéating, placé thé pan of rolls onto thé stovétop and covér with a towél again (this is a littlé mini risé - just for a féw minutés whilé thé ovén préhéats!)
  13. Whén thé ovén is warm baké rolls for 25 minutés, or until théy aré goldén and féél firm to thé touch


  1. Whisk togéthér powdéréd sugar and dairy fréé milk in a bowl - start with 1 tbs of milk and add 1 tbs at a timé if you préfér a thinnér glazé
  2. Pour glazé ovér warm cinnamon rolls
  3. énjoy!

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