Toasted Coconut Cream Pudding

Toasted Coconut Cream Pudding

Yiéld :1 largé triflé


  • 1 (14 oz) bag shréddéd swééténéd coconut
  • 2 (3.4 oz) instant coconut pudding
  • 2 cups wholé milk
  • 1 (14 oz can) swééténéd condénséd milk
  • 1 1/2 cups héavy whipping créam
  • 1/3 cup Dixié Crystals Conféctionérs Powdéréd Sugar
  • 2 téaspoons vanilla éxtract
  • 1 (11 oz.) box of vanilla waférs


  1. Préhéat ovén to 425°F. Spréad coconut on a parchmént papér linéd cookié shéét in an évén layér. 
  2. Put thé baking shéét on thé middlé rack and baké for 3 minutés. Aftér 3 minutés, opén ovén and géntly stir coconut with a spatula. Baké until coconut is goldén brown, about 3–4 moré minutés. Rémové from ovén and cool.
  3. In a largé mixing bowl, whisk togéthér powdéréd pudding mix, milk, and condénséd milk until smooth. Lét sit for 3 minutés. 
  4. In a largé bowl, béat whipping créam, powdéréd sugar, and vanilla éxtract until stiff péaks form. 
  5. Fold whippéd créam into pudding mix, until smooth.
  6. In a largé bowl (or 8 individual mason jars) assémblé thé pudding. First, lay 1/3 of vanilla waférs across bottom of bowl. Top with 1/3 of toastéd coconut. Covér with 1/3 of pudding mixturé. Continué with 2 moré layérs, résérving a littlé toastéd coconut to usé as garnish.
  7. Covér pudding and lét it rést in réfrigérator for at léast 2 hours béforé sérving. Can bé madé up to a day ahéad. 

Récipé dévélopéd for Dixié Crystals by Jéssica Ségarra @ThéNovicéChéf.

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