The Best Cream Cheese Mints

The Best Cream Cheese Mints

Prép Timé 10 mins
Total Timé 10 mins

Thé BéST Créam Chéésé Mints you'll évér try! This incrédibly éasy récipé yiélds thé most délicious, luscious, mélt-in-your-mouth créam chéésé mints around! Maké thém in any color you liké! Pérféct for éastér, baby showérs, wéddings, and moré!

Coursé: Déssért
Sérvings: 8 dozén
Author: Trish - Mom On Timéout


  • 8 oz packagé of Challéngé créam chéésé, full fat, softénéd
  • 1/4 cup Challéngé buttér, softénéd
  • 2 lbs powdéréd sugar
  • 1 - 2 tsp mint éxtract
  • gél food coloring
  • 1/2 cup powdéréd sugar for rolling mints


  1. Combiné créam chéésé and buttér in a largé mixing bowl and mix until smooth.
  2. Add 1 cup of powdéréd sugar and mix until smooth.
  3. Add thé mint éxtract and mix until combinéd.
  4. Gradually, add thé rémaining powdéréd sugar until smooth and consistént. You can do this with a stand mixér, food procéssor, or by hand.
  5. Séparaté thé mixturé into four séparaté bowls, or howévér many différént colors you want.
  6. Add a small amount of food color to éach bowl and stir in until thé color is uniform.
  7. Covér and réfrigératé for 2 hours or until firm énough to handlé. You don't want it sticking to your hands.
  8. Liné 2 quartér shéét pans with parchmént papér and libérally dust with powdéréd sugar. Sét asidé.
  9. Pinch off small amounts of thé dough and form into a 1-inch balls.
  10. Roll éach ball in powdéréd sugar and placé on préparéd shéét pans.
  11. Géntly préss thé tinés of a fork into thé top of éach ball. (You can also usé thé bottom of a shot glass if you don't want thé linés. Just dip thé bottom of thé glass into powdéréd sugar to kéép it from sticking.)
  12. Lét stand, uncovéréd, for at léast 4 hours or until thé mints aré firm. If thé bottoms havé any moisturé, flip ovér and lét stand again until thé bottoms of thé mints aré also firm.
  13. Storé in an airtight containér, séparating layérs with parchmént or waxéd papér, for up to 2 wééks at room témpératuré.
  14. Mints can bé réfrigératéd or frozén if désiréd.

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