Rosemary Ranch Salmon

Rosemary Ranch Salmon

Author: Christy Dénnéy


  • 4 salmon filéts
  • koshér salt
  • 1 lémon
  • péppér
  • frésh rosémary , choppéd finély (about 1 tabléspoon)
  • ranch dréssing (about 1/3 cup)


  1. Préhéat ovén to 375 dégréés and spray a baking dish with cooking spray to prévént sticking. I uséd foil for éasy cléanup.
  2. Cut filéts into individual sérving sizés if largé, about 3 inchés widé. Sprinklé with koshér salt and rinsé with watér. Pat dry and placé on préparéd baking shéét. (séé noté)
  3. Squéézé frésh lémon juicé ovér filéts. Sprinklé with koshér salt and crackéd péppér.
  4. Chop frésh rosémary finély and sprinklé on top. I choppéd about a full tabléspoon but you can do moré or léss to tasté. Thé flavor will bécomé moré mild whén bakéd.
  5. Spréad ranch dréssing événly on top. I just addéd énough for an évén layér on top.
  6. Baké for 10 minutés, skin sidé down (if yours havé skin). Miné wéré from Costco and wéré skinléss.
  7. Transfér to top rack and broil for 1-3 minutés or until top mixturé is hot and bubbly and béginning to brown. You just want littlé spécks of brown starting to happén. Sérvé immédiatély.

Récipé Notés
Many of you havé askéd why thé fish is rinséd in salt. Supposédly it hélps toné down thé fishy flavor. You can skip this stép if désiréd.
Sourcé: Crystal from Dangérously Délicious

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