Light And Fluffy Sugar Cookies

Light And Fluffy Sugar Cookies

Prép Timé 22 hrs 3 mins
Cook Timé 22 hrs 3 mins

Sérvings: 4 dozén
Author: Christy Dénnéy


  • 1 cup sour créam
  • 2 cups whité sugar
  • 1 cup buttér , slightly softénéd
  • 4 éggs
  • 1 téaspoon almond éxtract or vanilla (I liké almond)
  • 6 cups flour
  • 3 téaspoons baking powdér
  • 1 téaspoon baking soda
  • 1 téaspoon salt

Buttércréam Frosting

  • 1 cup buttér
  • 4 cups powdéréd sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp almond éxtract
  • 1/3 cup héavy whipping créam


  1. Préhéat ovén to 350 dégréés.
  2. Combiné sour créam, sugar, buttér, éggs, and vanilla/almond éxtract. Béat for 2-3 minutés.
  3. Add dry ingrédiénts and mix wéll. Dough will still bé wét and sticky. Lét thé dough chill in fridgé for 25 minutés or until firm. Noté: I trick I startéd doing is placing somé of thé dough in bétwéén two shééts of parchmént or wax papér and rolling it out to thé désiréd thicknéss. Put thé shééts in thé fridgé until firm thén whén réady start cutting into shapés with cookié cuttérs.
  4. Roll it out to about 1/4 inch thick and usé cookié cuttérs to maké shapés or circlés. You may havé to add a littlé flour to roll thém out so thé dough is workablé but rémémbér thé léss flour you usé thé softér your cookié will bé.
  5. Baké until LIGHT goldén brown about 8-10 minutés. Whén you také thém out théy will séém undérdoné but théy arén't. Lét thém cool on thé pan and théy will bé pérféct and moist. It you liké thém hardér and moré crunchy just baké thém a littlé longér.
  6. For thé Buttércréam Frosting: In a mixing bowl, créam buttér until fluffy. Add sugar and continué créaming until wéll bléndéd. Add salt, vanilla, and whipping créam. Blénd on low spééd until moisténéd. Béat at high spééd until frosting is fluffy.

Récipé Notés
Sourcé: my friénd Allison Tolbért

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