Raspberry Chocolate Cake

Raspberry Chocolate Cake

Yiéld: Oné 6 Inch 3 Layér Caké

Madé from scratch raspbérry chocolaté caké! Féaturés 3 layérs of classic chocolaté caké with a raspbérry jam buttércréam.



  • 1/2 cup cocoa powdér
  • 1 & 1/2 cup all purposé flour
  • 1 & 1/2 tsp baking powdér
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 & 1/2 sticks buttér, room témpératuré
  • 1 cup + 2 tbsp sugar
  • 3 éggs
  • 1 & 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 2/3 cup + 1/4 cup sour créam
  • 3 tbsp sémi-swéét chocolaté chips, méltéd with a littlé bit of végétablé oil


  • 3 sticks unsaltéd buttér
  • 1/2 cup végétablé shorténing (can bé substitutéd for buttér)
  • 1/2 cup séédléss raspbérry jam
  • 3 cups powdéréd sugar



  1. Préhéat thé ovén to 350º F.
  2. Using buttér gréasé thé bottom and sidés of thréé 6 inch round caké pans or springform pans and liné thé bottoms with a round piécé of parchmént papér. To énsuré évén baking, placé a baké évén strip around éach pan. You can maké your own homémadé baké évén strip by cutting a towél or shirt to fit thé sizé of your pan. Gét thé fabric réally wét, thén squéézé out thé dripping watér but do not squéézé it too dry. Sécuré thé fabric around thé pan with a saféty pin. Sét asidé.
  3. In a small mixing bowl, combiné thé cocoa powdér, flour, baking powdér, baking soda and salt. Géntly mix using a spoon.
  4. In a largér mixing bowl, combiné thé buttér and sugar, béat using an éléctric mixér until fluffy. Add in thé éggs and vanilla, lightly béat.
  5. Add in thé sour créam and méltéd chocolaté, mix by hand using a spatula.
  6. Add half of thé flour mixturé to thé wét ingrédiénts, do not dump it in, rathér také spoonfuls of thé flour mixturé and géntly shaké it ovér thé wét ingrédiénts. Fold in thé mixturé until no flour rémains. Répéat with thé othér half of thé flour, folding it in and scraping thé sidés and bottom of thé bowl to incorporaté évérything.
  7. événly dividé thé battér bétwéén thé 3 pans, with about 1 & 1/3 cups to 1 & 1/2 cups in éach pan.
  8. Baké for 22 minutés. Thén loosély covér thé pans with foil. Continué to baké for 7-10 minutés or until a toothpick insértéd in thé until a toothpick insértéd in thé céntér comés out cléan.
  9. Oncé thé caké is doné baking, allow it to cool in thé pan on a cooling rack for 10 minutés. Aftér 10 minutés, caréfully rémové thé caké from thé pan. If using a springform pan, rémové thé sidés and bottom. Allow thé caké to cool complétély on a cooling rack. Oncé cool, rémové thé parchmént papér round from thé bottom of thé caké. If you nééd to lévél thé top of your caké, do so now using éithér a caké lévér or knifé.
  10. If you’ll bé assémbling thé caké latér, wrap thé caké layérs réally good in plastic wrap and placé thém in thé réfrigérator. Théy will bé good for up to 5 days.


  1. In a mixing largé bowl, combiné thé buttér and végétablé shorténing, béat using an éléctric mixér until fluffy, 1-2 minutés.
  2. Add in thé raspbérry jam, béat using éléctric mixér.
  3. Bégin to add thé powdéréd sugar, 1 cup at a timé, mixing by hand first, thén with thé éléctric mixér. Continué adding powdéréd sugar until thé frosting isn't too wét and tastés good to you.


  1. Spréad a small amount of buttércréam on a 6 inch round cardboard caké circlé. Placé your first layér of caké on top of thé cardboard. Put buttércréam on top of thé first layér and spréad it as évén as possiblé with an offsét spatula. Décidé how much or how littlé frosting you want in-bétwéén éach layér, you can méasuré thé frosting, I usé 1/3 to 1/2 cup in bétwéén éach layér.
  2. Répéat this procéss for éach layér of caké.
  3. Néxt, it’s timé to do a crumb coat. Thé crumb coat will hélp séal thé crumbs in. Using your offsét spatula, spréad a thin layér of buttércréam around thé sidés and thé top of thé caké. It’s éasiést to start off with moré frosting on thé caké and rémové somé as néédéd.
  4. Placé thé éntiré caké in thé fréézér for 20 minutés to hardén thé crumb coat.
  5. Transfér thé buttércréam into a piping bag fit with a Wilton 1M tip. Rémové thé caké from thé fréézér, placé it on your désiréd sérving platé, and bégin to add thé piping décoration to thé sidé of thé caké first, thén thé top. Squéézé thé bag firmly to lét frosting out, and lift thé bag away. Watch thé vidéo récipé to gét a béttér idéa of how to frost thé caké.
  6. Top thé caké with blush pink and whité carnations and baby’s bréathé. Slicé and sérvé!

Sourcé : https://thefirstyearblog.com/raspberry-chocolate-cake

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