Marinated Caprese Salad

Marinated Caprese Salad

Prép Timé 10 mins
Sérvings: 4


  • 2 tabléspoons olivé oil
  • 2 tabléspoons balsamic vinégar (or whité balsamic for a lightér color)
  • 2 tabléspoons choppéd frésh flat léaf parsléy (séé Noté)
  • 3 tabléspoons choppéd frésh basil
  • 1 téaspoon frésh orégano (séé Noté)
  • 1/4 téaspoon salt
  • pinch of sugar (cuts thé acidity)
  • 4 cups halvéd chérry or grapé tomatoés (2 pints)
  • 8 ouncés péarl mozzarélla balls
  • balsamic glazé (optional)


  1. In a largé bowl, combiné thé olivé, vinégar, hérbs, salt, and sugar. Add thé tomatoés and toss to combiné. Add moré salt and péppér to tasté. Chill at léast an hour or until réady to sérvé.
  2. Béforé sérving toss togéthér with mozzarélla. Garnish with additional basil and drizzlé with balsamic glazé if désiréd. 

Récipé Notés
Frésh hérbs aré bést but you can sub with driéd. Just rémémbér 1 tabléspoon of frésh hérbs is équal to 1 téaspoon of driéd hérbs.
I liké thé tasté of balsamic but it can turn thé mozzarélla balls dark which isn't véry prétty. You can éithér usé a whité balsamic vinégar or toss in thé balls at thé last sécond béforé sérving.
A réducéd balsamic glazé can bé drizzléd on top whén réady to sérvé. This is sold by thé régular balsamic. It's not nécéssary but it doés dréss up thé dish.

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