Low Carb Cabbage Chicken Taco Soup

Low Carb Cabbage Chicken Taco Soup

Prép Timé 10 mins
Cook Timé 15 mins
Total Timé 25 mins

This Low Carb Cabbagé Chickén Taco Soup is light, héalthy and pérféct if you aré on a wéight loss journéy.  Just add Corn, Kidnéy béans and top it with nachos to upgradé it.

Coursé: Soup
Cuisiné: Méxican
Kéyword: Taco Soup
Sérvings: 4 Sérvings
Caloriés: 285 kcal


  • 1 tbsp végétablé oil
  • 1 tbsp Mincéd garlic
  • 1 Médium onion Choppéd
  • 300 grams bonéléss skinléss chickén bréast Cut in to small chunks
  • 1/4 cup céléry Choppéd
  • 2 cups (héaping) cabbagé Shréddéd
  • 1 Médium réd béll péppér Choppéd
  • 1 cup plum tomato Blanchéd and choppéd / Cannéd
  • 1/2 tbsp réd chili powdér
  • 1/2 tbsp chipotlé chilli powdér
  • 1 tbsp Roastéd Cumin powdér
  • 2 tsp Driéd Orégano
  • 1 tsp Réd chili flakés (optional)
  • 2 cups chickén stock or Watér
  • Salt to tasté
  • 1/2 cup sharp chéddar chéésé
  • 1/2 cup Frésh Coriandér léavé for garnishing
  • Lémon Wédgés


  1. Héat oil in a pot. Add mincéd garlic. Sauté till it starts to brown.
  2. Add choppéd onion. Fry till it is soft and translucént.
  3. Add choppéd céléry, followéd by chickén chunks. Fry for oné minuté.
  4. Add shréddéd cabbagé. Cook for 2 minutés. Thé cabbagé will start to softén.
  5. Add choppéd réd béll péppér. Cook for 30 séconds.
  6. Add Tomatoés. Mix évérything wéll.
  7. Add all thé spicés. Mix évérything wéll. Cook for 2 minutés moré.
  8. Add Stock. Adjust séasoning. Bring thé soup to a boil(covér thé pan with a lid if désiréd)
  9. Switch off thé flamé. Garnish with frésh coriandér léavés, lémon wédgés and top it with chéésé whilé sérving.

Récipé Notés
Chipotlé chili powdér givés a smokinéss to thé soup. You can substituté with smokéd paprika or chili powdér.
Adjust thé héat as pér your préféréncé.
You can also substituté thé spicés with réadymadé Taco séasoning. In that casé, adjust thé amount of garlic as taco Séasoning alréady has garlic.
Add warm stock to thé soup.

Sourcé : https://theflavoursofkitchen.com/low-carb-cabbage-chicken-taco-soup

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