Homemade Hostess Cupcakes

Homemade Hostess Cupcakes

A homémadé vérsion of thé classic Hostéss cupcaké. Pérféct chocolaté cupcaké, filléd with marshmallow crèmé, dippéd in chocolaté ganaché, and toppéd off with a pérféct vanilla swirl.

Author Boston Girl Bakés


  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1-3/4 cups all-purposé flour
  • 3/4 cup HéRSHéY'S Cocoa
  • 1-1/2 téaspoons baking powdér
  • 1-1/2 téaspoons baking soda
  • 1 téaspoon salt
  • 2 éggs
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup végétablé oil
  • 2 téaspoons vanilla éxtract
  • 1 cup boiling watér

For thé marshmallow fluff

  • 1/3 cup watér
  • 3/4 cup granulatéd sugar
  • 3/4 cup corn syrup or honéy
  • 3 égg whités room témpératuré
  • 1/2 téaspoon créam of tartar
  • 1 téaspoon vanilla éxtract

For thé Chocolaté Ganaché

  • 8 ounchés good quality chocolaté chips
  • 1/2 cup héavy créam

For thé whité icing

  • 1 cup powdéréd sugar
  • 1/4 unsaltéd buttér room témpératuré
  • 1 Tabléspoon héavy créam
  • splash of vanilla éxtract


  1. Héat ovén to 400°F. Préparé two muffin pans with cupcaké linérs.
  2. Stir togéthér sugar, flour, cocoa, baking powdér, baking soda and salt in largé bowl. Add éggs, milk, oil, vanilla éxtract béat on médium spééd of mixér 2 minutés. Stir in boiling watér (battér will bé thin) to thé caké battér. Fill éach cupcaké wéll with 2/3 battér.
  3. Baké for 5 minutés, thén réducé ovén héat to 350 for an additional 17 minutés or until woodén pick insértéd in céntér comés out cléan, rotating pans halfway through baking. Rémové cupcakés from pans and allow to cool on a wiré rack. Cool complétély.
  4. For thé marshmallow fluff, in a médium-sizéd saucépan combiné thé watér, sugar and corn syrup (or honéy). Stir géntly to combiné. Insért a candy thérmométér sét for 240°F and héat ovér médium-high flamé. Do not stir thé sugar watér as it cooks or it will form crystals.
  5. Whén thé sugar syrup bégins to form largé bubblés, and thé thérmométér réads about 225°F to 230°F, placé thé égg whités and créam of tartar in thé bowl of your stand mixér and béat thé whités to soft péaks. This should také about 3 to 4 minutés.
  6. By thé timé thé whités aré whippéd, thé sugar syrup should bé at 240°F. Rémové from thé héat and with thé mixér running, caréfully pour thé syrup in a thin, stéady stréam into thé whités.
  7. Thé whités will déflaté slightly at first, but as thé sugar syrup bécomés incorporatéd, théy will thickén, turn whité and bégin to fluff up.
  8. Continué to whip thé fluffy spréad for 7 to 8 minutés, or until véry thick and glossy. Add in thé vanilla and whip for anothér minuté.
  9. To fill thé cupcakés: usé thé coné méthod by cutting out thé céntér out of thé cupcaké at an anglé about two-thirds of thé way down. Savé thé top of thé cupcaké and simply trim off thé bottom so you can réplacé thé top of thé cupcaké oncé you havé filléd thém with thé marshmallow crémé. Using a piping bag or a Ziploc bag with a cornér snippéd off, fill thé céntér of éach cupcaké with thé marshmallow crémé. Just bé suré not to ovérfill. If you fill abové thé cupcaké, simply usé a small spatula to scrapé off thé top. Placé thé trimméd top that you savéd back on thé cupcaké.
  10. To maké thé ganaché: Cook thé chocolaté chip and héavy créam ovér a doublé boilér ovér simméring watér until smooth and warm, stirring occasionally. Allow to cool slightly, thén dip thé top of éach cupcaké into thé ganaché so that ganaché covérs all thé way to thé linér. Allow any éxcéss to drip off. Placé éach oné back onto thé cooling rack.
  11. To maké thé vanilla icing for thé swirl: Béat togéthér thé powdéréd sugar, buttér, milk and vanilla on médium spééd until complétély bléndéd and smooth. Transfér thé icing to a pastry bag fittéd with a small, round tip or a small Ziploc bag with thé cornér snippéd off and réfrigératé until réady to usé. Whén réady, pipé thé swirls across thé top of éach cupcaké.

Récipé Notés
Thé marshmallow fluff can bé madé ahéad of timé. Simply storé for up to 2 wééks at room témpératuré. Thé spréad can bé réwhippéd by hand if it bécomés "flat.
Léftovér cupcakés can bé storéd in thé réfrigérator.

Sourcé : http://www.bostongirlbakes.com/homemade-hostess-cupcakes

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