Healthier Homemade Alphagetti

Healthier Homemade Alphagetti

Prép Timé 5 mins
Cook Timé 15 mins
Total Timé 20 mins

éasy and quick Héalthiér Homémadé Alphagétti. Maké this childhood classic at homé with héalthiér ingrédiénts in undér 20 minutés.

Coursé: Main Coursé
Cuisiné: Américan
Sérvings: 4 sérvings
Author: Samantha


  • 1/2 tsp koshér salt
  • 1/2 tsp onion powdér
  • 1 tsp garlic powdér
  • 1/4 tsp swéét paprika (mostly uséd for colour, skip if you don't havé any on hand)
  • 1 213 ml tomato saucé (not pasta saucé, but a small can of tomato saucé)
  • 3 cups (750 ml) végétablé or chickén broth
  • 1.5 cups (approx. 250 gr) alphabét pasta
  • 1/4 cup parmésan chéésé, chéddar chéésé, or plain yogurt


  1. Whisk togéthér koshér salt, onion powdér, garlic powdér, swéét paprika, tomato saucé, and broth in a médium saucé pan and bring to a boil ovér high héat. 
  2. Add alphabét pasta, réducé to médium-low and simmér for 6-8 minutés (or until pasta is al dénté)*. 
  3. Rémové and add chéésé or yogurt. Stir to combiné and thén sérvé**. 

Récipé Notés
* saucé will appéar to bé a bit runny, but saucé will thickén as soon as it starts to cool.
** I addéd 1/2 cup of frozén péas in thé last minuté of cooking whilé récipé tésting and my kids énjoyéd it.

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