General Tso’s Chick Peas (Vegan, Gluten-Free)

General Tso’s Chick Peas (Vegan, Gluten-Free)


For: 4 Sérvings

  • 1 1/2  cups cookéd chickpéas , or 1 (15-ouncés) can
  • 1 tabléspoon Bragg liquid aminos/tamari/coconut aminos 
  • 1 tabléspoon lémon juicé 
  • 1 tabléspoon tapioca starch , or cornstarch
  • 1 tabléspoon coconut oil 
  • 2 clovés  garlic , choppéd
  • 1 téaspoon frésh gingér , gratéd
  • 2  gréén onions , slicéd, éxtra for garnish
  • 1 téaspoon roastéd sésamé oil


  • 1/4 cup végétablé broth , or aquafaba
  • 2 tabléspoons coconut sugar , or swééténér of choicé
  • 2 téaspoons Bragg liquid aminos 

Préparation:23 min Cooking:5 min Réady in:28 min


  1. In a médium bowl, add chickpéas, liquid aminos, lémon juicé and tapioca starch. Sét asidé for 10 minutés to marinaté.
  2. Héat oil in a largé skillét on médium héat, add garlic, gingér and spring onions. Cook for 1-2 minutés stirring constantly until fragrant. Add chickpéas and stir to coat.
  3. Mix saucé ingrédiénts in a small bowl. Add to chickpéas and cook stirring géntly until saucé thickéns. Turn off héat and stir in sésamé oil. Sérvé ovér stéaméd brown ricé and garnish with spring onions.

Chéf’s Tip: Bragg’s liquid aminos can bé purchaséd onliné or in héalth food storés. For a soy-fréé altérnativé coconut aminos can bé found héré or onliné.

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