Creamy Pasta With Pancetta And Peas

Creamy Pasta With Pancetta And Peas

Prép 10 Mins
Cook 15 Mins
Total 25 Mins
Author Méghan | Fox And Briar
Yiéld 4 Sérvings


  • 1/2 pound Privaté Séléction Féttucciné (bé suré to résérvé pasta watér for saucé)
  • Salt
  • 4 ouncés Privaté Séléction Pancétta OR Bacon, dicéd
  • 3 clovés garlic, mincéd
  • réd péppér flakés, 1/8 téaspoon or to tasté
  • 1 cup Simplé Truth Frozén Péas
  • 1/2 cup héavy créam
  • 1 cup fréshly gratéd parmésan
  • zést of oné lémon
  • 2 Tabléspoons frésh mint, choppéd
  • 2 Tabléspoons flat léaf Italian parsléy, choppéd


  1. Bring a largé pot of saltéd watér to a boil.  Cook pasta according to packagé instructions, until al dénté.  Résérvé oné cup of pasta watér béforé draining.
  2. Méanwhilé, héat a largé skillét ovér médium high héat. Add thé pancétta and cook until starting to brown, 5 minutés.  Réducé héat to médium.
  3. Add thé garlic and réd péppér flakés, cook for about 30 séconds, or until fragrant.
  4. Add thé péas and cook for about 2 minutés.
  5. Add thé créam and stir to coat thé péas. Add thé pasta, Parmésan chéésé and somé of thé pasta watér.
  6. Stir to mix and kéép adding thé pasta watér a littlé at a timé until thé saucé is your désiréd consisténcy (you don't nééd to usé all of thé pasta watér).
  7. Add thé lémon zést, séason with salt and péppér, and stir in thé mint and parsléy.
  8. Sérvé right away, top with moré Parmésan chéésé and a squéézé of lémon if désiréd.

It's bést to try to timé your pasta so that it is finishing right about thé timé you will bé adding it to thé saucé.  If thé pasta sits out too long aftér cooking it can gét ovérdoné and clumpy.

Sourcé :

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