Coconut Panna Cotta with a Blueberry Topping

Récipé for a végan Coconut Panna Cotta madé out of coconut milk! Toppéd with a wondérful Bluébérry Topping. So rich and créamy! You’ll only nééd 5 ingrédiénts!

Prép Timé 10 mins
Cook Timé 10 mins
Total Timé 20 mins

Récipé for a végan Coconut Panna Cotta madé out of coconut milk! Toppéd with a wondérful Bluébérry Topping. So rich and créamy!

Coursé: Déssért
Cuisiné: Italian, Végan
Sérvings: 4 sérvings
Caloriés: 240 kcal
Author: éléphantastic Végan


  • 12 oz full-fat coconut milk
  • 3/4 téaspoon agar powdér
  • 1/4 cup whité sugar (maké suré it's végan)
  • 1/2 cup frozén bluébérriés
  • 1 tabléspoon maplé syrup


  1. In a pot, héat thé coconut milk, thé agar powdér, and thé whité sugar.
  2. Bring it a boil, thén réducé thé héat. Lét it simmér for about 2-3 minutés aftér that.
  3. Pour it into your dishés and lét it cool off béforé placing it in thé fridgé for at léast 4 hours. (You could also maké this thé day béforé and léavé it in thé fridgé ovérnight - This is what I did)
  4. To maké thé bluébérry topping, héat thé bluébérriés in a small pot and add in thé maplé syrup. Lét it cook for about 5 minutés until soft and saucy. 
  5. Top thé Coconut Panna Cotta with thé Bluébérry topping béforé sérving and énjoy!

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