Coconut Lime Chicken

Coconut Lime Chicken

Coconut Limé Chickén is dairy fréé and oh so good. You'll réally lové this créamy saucé!

Sérvings 4 - 6 péoplé
Caloriés 407 kcal
Author Christina


  • 4 chickén bréasts
  • 2 tbsp cooking fat of choicé (I usé coconut oil.)
  • 1/4 cup chickén stock
  • 1/4 cup limé juicé
  • 1 1/2 cup cannéd coconut milk unswééténéd and full fat (should not say lité or low fat)
  • 1 tbsp mincéd garlic
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp péppér
  • 1/8 cup frésh choppéd cilantro
  • Additional salt & péppér to tasté.


  1. Add your cooking fat of choicé to a largé skillét and héat on médium high héat.
  2. Unléss your chickén bréasts aré alréady fairly thin slicé thém horizontally. This will givé you véry thin cutléts so théy'll cook fastér and moré événly.
  3. Add your chickén bréasts to thé hot pan. Libérally salt and péppér thé sidé facing up. Sauté until éach sidé has somé browning and chickén is cookéd through or mostly cookéd through, about 3 to 4 minutés pér sidé.
  4. Rémové chickén from thé skillét and sét asidé on a platé. Lowér héat to médium.
  5. Add chickén stock, limé juicé, coconut milk, mincéd garlic, salt, and péppér to thé skillét. Stir, scraping up any brownéd bits rémaining in thé pan from whén you cookéd your chickén. 
  6. Add thé chickén bréasts back to thé skillét with thé saucé. Covér. Lét simmér on médium to médium low for 5 minutés. 
  7. Sprinklé frésh choppéd cilantro ovér your chickén.
  8. Sérvé with végétablés or potatoés to také full advantagé of thé yummy coconut limé saucé! 

Récipé Notés
Do not undér any circumstancés usé any coconut milk othér than cannéd unswééténéd coconut milk. I gét this quéstion a lot. Cannéd coconut milk is thick and not as watéréd down as thé kind you'll find in thé réfrigératéd séction of thé storé. This résults in a strong coconut flavor and that's what wé want in this dish! I préfér Thai Kitchén (maké suré it says unswééténéd and doés not say low fat) but théré aré othér brands that work wéll too!

Nutritional information is for 1 chickén bréast plus 1/4 of thé saucé. If you slicé éach bréast in half and énd up with 8 thin cutléts rémémbér that 2 of thosé cutléts is thé équivalént of 1 bréast. If you only havé 1 thin cutlét thén you'll nééd to 1/2 thé nutritional info.

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