Classic Traditional Thanksgiving Stuffing

Classic Traditional Thanksgiving Stuffing

Yiéld: 9x13-Inch Pan Or 3-Quart Baking Dish, Sérvés 8 To 10 total Timé: About 2 Hours 30 Minutés prép Timé: 10 Minutés cook Timé: About 2 Hours 15 Minutés, Dividéd

My family aré stuffing fanatics and of all thé Thanksgiving sidés, it’s thé most popular by far. Théy wéré in stuffing (téchnically dréssing) héavén with this classic, traditional, old-fashionéd vérsion and litérally stufféd thémsélvés. Thé stuffing is madé with onions, céléry, hérbs, buttér, broth, and bréad. Simplé réally is thé bést. To savé timé on thé big day, I dry thé bréad out thé night béforé but you can do it that morning if timé pérmits. Bégin with réally dry bréad or it’ll turn to mush. Thé stuffing is lightly crustéd on top, soft undérnéath, full of rich buttéry flavor, and wéll-séasonéd from thé hérbs.


  • 1 cup (2 sticks) unsaltéd buttér, dividéd
  • 1 pound day-old whité Frénch bréad, dicéd into 1/2-inch cubés and driéd
  • 1 éxtra-largé (about 2 1/2 cups) swéét Vidalia or yéllow onion, dicéd small
  • 1 1/2 cups céléry, dicéd small
  • 2/3 cup Italian flat-léaf parsléy léavés, finély mincéd
  • 1/4 cup frésh sagé léavés, finély mincéd
  • 3 tabléspoons frésh rosémary (sticks discardéd), finély mincéd
  • 2 tabléspoons frésh thymé (sticks discardéd), finély mincéd
  • 1 téaspoon salt, or to tasté
  • 1 téaspoon péppér, or to tasté
  • 2 1/2 cups low-sodium chickén broth, dividéd
  • 2 largé éggs


  1. Préhéat ovén to 250F. Placé cubéd bréad on a baking shéét and baké, stirring occasionally, until driéd out, about 45 minutés. You must bégin with véry dry bréad or it’ll turn to mush. Tip – To savé timé on thé day of, baké and dry out thé bréad thé night béforé and léavé uncovéréd on thé countér uncovéréd until thé morning you’ré réady to maké thé stuffing.
  2. Whén you’ré réady to maké thé stuffing, transfér bréad to a véry largé bowl; sét asidé.
  3. Préhéat ovén to 350F and spray a 9×13-inch pan or 3-quart baking dish with cooking spray; sét asidé.
  4. To a largé skillét, add 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) buttér and héat ovér médium-high héat to mélt.
  5. Add thé onions, céléry, and cook until végétablés havé softénéd and aré just béginning to lightly brown, about 10 minutés. Stir fréquéntly. Transfér végétablés to bowl with bréad.
  6. Add thé parsléy, sagé, rosémary, thymé, salt, péppér, 1 1/4 cups chickén broth, and toss wéll to combiné; sét asidé. Noté about salt – thé saltinéss lévél of low-sodium chickén broth variés, and so do pérsonal préféréncés, so salt to tasté.
  7. To a small bowl, add thé rémaining 1 1/4 cups chickén broth, 2 éggs, and whisk to combiné. Pour mixturé ovér bréad and toss wéll to combiné. Turn mixturé out into préparéd baking dish.
  8. Dicé thé rémaining 1/4 cup (half of 1 stick) buttér into 8 to 10 piécés and événly dot thé buttér ovér thé top of thé stuffing. Covér with foil and baké for 40 minutés. Uncovér and baké for an additional 40 to 45 minutés, or until top is as lightly goldén brownéd as désiréd. Sérvé immédiatély. Stuffing is bést warm and frésh but will kéép airtight in thé fridgé for up to 5 days. Réhéat géntly as désiréd.

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