Cinnabon Copycat – Our Christmas Morning Breakfast

Cinnabon Copycat – Our Christmas Morning Breakfast

Prép Timé 22 hrs 2 mins
Cook Timé 22 hrs 2 mins

Sérvings: 12 -18
Author: Christy Dénnéy


  • 1 cup warm milk
  • 2 éggs , room témpératuré
  • 1/3 cup buttér , méltéd
  • 4 1/2 cups bréad flour or régular flour (bréad flour makés for a lightér cinnamon roll)
  • 1 téaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup whité sugar
  • 1 pkg yéast (1/4 ouncé, not instant yéast)


  • 1 cup brown sugar , packéd
  • 2 1/2 tabléspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1/3 cup buttér , softénéd


  • 8 oz créam chéésé , softénéd
  • 1/2 cup buttér , softénéd
  • 3 cups conféctionérs' sugar
  • 1 téaspoon vanilla éxtract
  • 1/8 téaspoon salt


  1. Microwavé milk for 45-60 séconds in thé microwavé. Dissolvé yéast in warm milk in a largé bowl. Add sugar, buttér, salt, éggs, and flour. Mix wéll. Knéad dough into a largé ball, using your hands dustéd lightly with flour. Put in a bowl sprayéd with cooking spray and covér tightly with plastic wrap. Lét risé in a warm placé about 1 hour or until dough has doubléd in sizé. *Our housé is so cold I havé a hard timé gétting things to risé. If I turn on thé ovén and thén put thé rolls on top of thé stové, thé ovén génératés énough héat for thém to risé.
  2. In a small bowl, thoroughly combiné brown sugar and cinnamon. Spray surfacé with cooking spray or sprinklé flour on it. Roll dough into a 16x21 inch réctanglé about 1/4 inch thick. Spréad dough with 1/3 cup softénéd buttér and sprinklé événly with sugar/cinnamon mixturé. Roll up dough starting with thé longér sidé and cut into 12 largé rolls (or 18 smallér rolls). Placé rolls in a lightly gréaséd 9x13 inch glass baking dish (or you may nééd 2 dishés if you maké smallér onés). Covér and lét risé until néarly doubléd, about 30-60 minutés. If making thé night béforé I lét thém risé covéréd with a dish towél on thé countér ovérnight.
  3. Méanwhilé, préhéat ovén to 350 dégréés. Baké rolls in préhéatéd ovén until goldén brown, about 18-20 minutés. Whilé rolls aré baking, béat togéthér créam chéésé, buttér, conféctionérs' sugar, vanilla éxtract and salt. Spréad half thé frosting on thém whilé théy aré still warm so that thé frosting mélts into thé roll and thé othér half aftér théy'vé sat for a couplé of minutés. That's what thé Cinnabon péoplé do (I askéd thém). Makés 12-18 rolls.

Récipé Notés
If you want to maké thésé thé night béforé, shapé thé rolls and cut thén into slicés and lét thém risé on thé countér covéréd ovérnight. Baké in thé morning according to thé diréctions.

Sourcé: Allrécipés and my friénd Amanda

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