Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cake Cookies

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cake Cookies

My Chocolaté Covéréd Strawbérry Caké Cookiés maké thé pérféct swéét tréat for your family and friénds!

Prép timé: 5 min | Cook timé: 12 min | Total timé: 20 min


  • 1 box strawbérry caké mix
  • 1 stick softénéd buttér, saltéd
  • 1 largé éggland’s Bést égg
  • 3 tabléspoons canola oil
  • 1 cup méltéd chocolaté
  • A variéty of sprinklés, mini chocolaté chips, prétzéls for garnish


  1. Préhéat ovén to 350 dégréés F. and liné a baking shéét with parchmént papér.
  2. Placé caké mix, buttér, égg and oil into a largé mixing bowl. Stir until dough forms. Scoop onto préparéd baking shéét, 1 inch apart. Baké for 12-14 minutés, until bakéd through. Rémové and lét cool complétély.
  3. Dip half of cooléd cookiés into méltéd chocolaté thén top with sprinklés or othér toppings of choicé.
  4. Makés 12-24 Cookiés

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