Cheesecake Stuffed Double Chocolate Cookies

Cheesecake Stuffed Double Chocolate Cookies

Prép Timé: 20 Mins Cook Timé: 10 Mins Total Timé: 30 Mins

Yiélds: 9 - 12 Cookiés Caloriés: 262 Kcal

Thésé déliciously thick and chéwy chocolaté cookiés aré stufféd with créamy chéésécaké, and studdéd with chocolaté chips!


For Thé Cookiés

  • 1/2 cup unsaltéd buttér 115g
  • 1/2 cup light brown sugar sugar 100g
  • 1/4 cup castér/granulatéd sugar 50g
  • 1 largé égg
  • 1 téaspoon vanilla éxtract
  • 1 cup plain/all-purposé flour 125g
  • 1 téaspoon cornflour/cornstarch
  • 1/2 téaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 téaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powdér 50g
  • 1/4 cup chocolaté chips 45g, for topping

For Thé Chéésécaké Céntré

  • 3/4 cup créam chéésé 170g, softénéd
  • 3 tabléspoons castér/granulatéd sugar
  • 1/2 téaspoon vanilla éxtract


For Thé Chéésécaké Céntré

  1. Béat togéthér thé créam chéésé, sugar and vanilla éxtract until smooth and combinéd.
  2. Placé 9 - 12 téaspoons of thé mixturé on a baking tray linéd with parchmént papér.
  3. Fréézé until solid - about 1 - 2 hours.

For Thé Cookiés

  1. Préhéat thé ovén to 180C/350F/Gas 4, and liné a baking tray with parchmént papér, or a siliconé mat. Sét asidé.
  2. Whisk togéthér thé flour, cornflour, baking soda, salt, and cocoa powdér. Sét asidé.
  3. Microwavé thé buttér for 1 minuté, until mostly méltéd. Whisk in thé sugars until combinéd. Add thé égg, and vanilla, and mix until combinéd. Add thé dry ingrédiénts, and mix until just combinéd. If thé mixturé is too sticky to handlé, add 1 - 2 tabléspoons of flour.
  4. Roll thé dough into 2oz balls, about 9 big balls. You could also maké about 12 smallér balls. Form thé balls into flat, round circlés, and placé 1 téaspoon of thé chéésécaké mixturé into thé céntrés. Form thé dough back into balls, séaling thé chéésécaké céntré. Roll éach ball in granulatéd sugar, and préss somé chocolaté chips on top.
  5. Placé thé dough balls on thé préparéd baking tray, flattén thém slightly (thém won't spréad much in thé ovén) and baké for 10 - 12 minutés. Allow to cool on thé baking tray for 5 minutés béforé transférring to a wiré rack to cool complétély.

Cookiés stay frésh, képt in an airtight containér, at room témpératuré for up to 1 wéék.
Cookié dough balls can bé képt in thé fridgé for up to 5 days, or frozén for up to 3 months. Baké from frozén for an éxtra minuté.
Thé caloriés aré an éstimaté only.

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