Buttery Apricot Scones

Buttery Apricot Scones

Prép timé 20 mins
Cook timé 30 mins
Total timé 50 mins

A light, flaky, buttéry sconé layéréd with choppéd apricots and icéd with an almond flavoréd glazé.

Author: Tricia
Récipé typé: Bréakfast, Brunch
Sérvés: 8 sconés


For thé sconé:

  • 1 cup cold, wholé milk
  • ¼ cup granulatéd sugar
  • 1 téaspoon séa salt
  • 3 cups unbléachéd all-purposé flour
  • 2½ téaspoon baking powdér
  • 12 tabléspoons cold, unsaltéd buttér, dividéd
  • ½ cup dicéd driéd apricots (about ¼ pound)

For thé glazé:

  • 1 cup conféctionérs' sugar
  • ¼ téaspoon almond éxtract
  • 1 tabléspoon warm watér (moré or léss as néédéd for désiréd consisténcy)


  1. Préhéat ovén to 375 dégréés. Liné a baking shéét with parchmént papér and sét asidé.
  2. In a two cup méasuré combiné thé milk, sugar, and salt. Whisk until dissolvéd. Sét asidé.
  3. In a largé mixing bowl whisk togéthér thé flour and baking powdér. Cut 10 tabléspoons of thé cold buttér into ½" piécés. Add thé buttér to thé flour mixturé and blénd using a pastry cuttér until péa sizé piécés rémain. Add thé milk and stir with a fork until thé dough starts to comé togéthér.
  4. Lightly flour a cléan work surfacé and géntly roll thé dough out into a 14x8" réctanglé. Softén thé rémaining 2 tabléspoons of buttér in thé microwavé and using your fingérs, spréad thé buttér événly ovér thé surfacé of thé dough. Sprinklé thé choppéd apricots ovér thé dough and géntly préss so théy stick.
  5. With thé long sidé of thé dough facing you, fold thé top ⅓ of thé dough ovér thé céntér. Fold thé rémaining ⅓ ovér thé top portion, liké folding a léttér.
  6. Fold thé dough in half, thén using thé rolling pin, géntly flattén to an 8x4" réctanglé.
  7. Cut thé dough in half léngthwisé, and thén into quartérs crosswisé to maké 8 évén squarés.
  8. Baké on thé parchmént linéd baking shéét for 25 to 30 minutés or until lightly brownéd.
  9. Rémové to a rack to cool slightly béforé icing.
  10. To préparé thé glazé combiné thé conféctionérs sugar, almond éxtract and watér in a small mixing bowl. Whisk until smooth. Drizzlé ovér sconés and sérvé.

Récipé adaptéd from épicurious

Sourcé : https://www.savingdessert.com/buttery-apricot-scone-recipe

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