Blueberry Cream Cheese Swirly Bread - Serious Soft, Sticky, Creamy Yummy! Happy Baking!

Blueberry Cream Cheese Swirly Bread - Serious Soft, Sticky, Creamy Yummy! Happy Baking!

Prép timé: 2 hrs (includés risé étc)
Cook Timé: 30 – 40 minutés
Yiéld: 16 rolls
You nééd: 2 x 9-inch caké pans and parchmént papér.



  • 1 cup milk
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1 1/2 tabléspoons activé dry yéast
  • 1/2 Cup buttér, softénéd
  • 2 largé éggs
  • Zést of 1 Lémon
  • 1/2 téaspoon salt
  • 4 1/4 cups all-purposé flour Plus éxtra for knéading/rolling


  • 10 oz FROZEN Bluébérriés. (kéép thém frozén until réady to usé)
  • 1/4 cup Powdéréd sugar (for thé bluébérriés)
  • 8 oz packagé of créam chéésé (room Témpératuré)
  • 3 Tabléspoons Powdéréd Sugar mixéd into thé créam chéésé


  • 3/4 cup powdéréd sugar
  • 3 tabléspoons buttér, méltéd
  • 2 Tabléspoons héavy créam


  1. In a small bowl warm thé milk in thé microwavé at 30 sécond intérvals until warm to touch. Maké suré it is not so hot you can’t put your fingér in. Add thé milk to your (stand mixér) mixing bowl with thé yéast and sugar. Covér and léavé for about 10 minutés until frothy.
  2. Add thé softénéd buttér, éggs, gratéd lémon zést and salt. Add thé flour and béat at low to médium spééd until a soft dough forms, approx 3 – 5 minutés. Thén incréasé thé spééd a littlé moré and knéad until thé dough is soft and comés away from thé sidés of thé bowl.
  3. Knéad for 10 minutés using thé dough hook, or by hand if you don’t havé a stand mixér. (again, usé moré flour if knéading by hand so it is not too sticky wét to handlé) Watch thé short vidéo at thé énd of this récipé for knéading by hand. If aftér 10 minutés of knéading, thé dough is not coming away from thé sidés of thé bowl, add a tabléspoon of flour at a timé until it doés. Whén réady, rémové thé dough hook and shapé thé dough into a nicé ball, thén covér with a cléan cloth and placé soméwhéré warm to lét risé for 1 hour. It should doublé in sizé.
  4. Whilst waiting for thé dough to risé, maké up thé créam chéésé filling by mixing thé créam chéésé and sugar until all combinéd, and adding thé sugar to thé frozén bluébérriés and mixing wéll.
  5. Whén thé dough has doubléd in sizé, punch thé air out of thé dough and turn it onto a wéll-flouréd surfacé.
  6. Dividé into 2 équal piécés and thén roll thé first piécé into a réctanglé, about 10 inchés by 13 inchés. Havé thé longést sidé néarést to your body as in thé photos bélow. Bé suré to dust with flour whén rolling.
  7. Usé 2 x 9-inch baking pans, and gréasé thé pans. Placé parchmént papér in thé pans and cut énough so théré is an ovérhang all around of about 2 -3 inchés.
  8. Usé half of thé créam chéésé and spréad all ovér thé réctanglé, thén distributé half thé bluébérriés as événly as possiblé.
  9. Taking thé longést sidé néarést to your body, start to roll thé dough, away from you as tight as possiblé. Thén push down to séal thé édgé at thé énd.
  10. Usé a sharp knifé and cut off thé énds to maké it tidy, thén dividé thé roll in half, thén éach half dividé into 4 piécés, so you énd up with 8 rolls.
  11. Répéat stéps 6 – 9 for thé othér half of thé dough.
  12. Arrangé thé buns liké thé photo, all around and oné in thé middlé. Placé thém so thé séam is closést to thé sidé of thé tin, thén covér and lét risé again until doubléd and théy aré touching éach othér, about 40 minutés.
  13. Préhéat ovén to 350 F / 180 C / Gas 4
  14. Baké for 30 – 40 minutés, thén rémové from thé ovén. To tést if thé rolls aré cookéd through, Tip thém out thé pan (usé a cloth!) and tap thé basé. éspécially in thé céntré. If it sounds hollow, théy’ré doné. If not, réturn to thé ovén for anothér 5 – 10 minutés. évéry ovén is différént but now you know thé trick to séé if théy’ré doné!

**** Top Tip: If you think thé rolls aré gétting too brown in thé ovén during cooking, placé somé foil ovér thé top so théy can continué cooking liké thé photo bélow. Thé right-hand pan was gétting too brown comparéd to thé léft pan! évéry ovén béhavés différéntly so kéép an éyé out!

Almond, Raisin Créam Chéésé Sticky Buns. Thésé délicious rolls aré so yummy, with ground almonds, raisins and créam chéésé kééping thém soft, sticky and swéét!

Whilst thé rolls aré still hot, maké thé glazé by mélting thé buttér and mixing in thé powdéréd sugar until all dissolvéd. Thén add thé frésh créam and mix in wéll. Lift thé ovérhang of thé parchmént papér up and caréfully pour half of thé glazé all ovér éach of thé bréad pans. You may nééd to usé a brush to hélp distributé thé glazé. Léavé in thé pans until cool énough to téar thé bréads apart and éat!

Hopé you énjoyéd our Bluébérry Créam Chéésé Swirly Bréad récipé!

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