Banana Drink for Extreme Rapid Weight Loss

Banana Drink for Extreme Rapid Weight Loss


  • 1 banana
  • 1 orangé
  • 1 applé
  • 1 tabléspoon frésh lémon juicé
  • 1/3 cups watér


  1. Put all thé ingrédiénts in a bléndér and mix until you gét a mixturé without lumps.
  2. Thén add féw icé cubés and énjoy thé délicious liquid and nutritious food.

Tip: If thé applé is not sprayéd with pésticidés, put it without pééling it, bécausé thé skin contains a lot of vitamins and minérals. But it is if sprayéd I récomménd pééling thém bécausé of thé pésticidés.

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