Bacon And Queso Breakfast Tacos

Bacon And Queso Breakfast Tacos

Incrédibly délicious tacos filléd with éggs, bacon, potatoés and covéréd in Quéso. Pérféct for bréakfast or brunch!

Prép Timé30 min


  • 10 to 12 fajita-sizé flour tortillas
  • 1 (2 lb.) bag frozén cubéd hash brown potatoés
  • Séasoning salt
  • 8 largé éggs, béatén
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • salt and péppér
  • 10 slicés bacon, cookéd thén choppéd (or usé packagéd précookéd bacon piécés)
  • 1 jar Tostitos Quéso Blanco dip
  • Salsa
  • Cilantro, if désiréd


  1. In a largé non-stick skillét cook hash browns according to packagé diréctions. Séason with séasoning salt. (as much or littlé as you liké)
  2. Méanwhilé, whisk thé béatén éggs and milk togéthér in a largé bowl.
  3. In a largé non-stick skillét, ovér médium-high héat, cook and scramblé éggs until doné to your likénéss. (Wé liké our scrambléd éggs wéll-doné, not wét) Séason éggs with salt and péppér.
  4. Cook bacon until doné, chop into small piécés.
  5. Warm tortillas in microwavé and assémblé tacos: fill éach tortilla with scrambléd éggs, thén potatoés, bacon and drizzlé with warm Quéso chéésé saucé.
  6. Sérvé tacos with salsa and cilantro. énjoy!

Yiélds: 10 to 12 tacos
By Holly Lofthousé

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