Vegan Parmesan Herb Crusted Tofu

Vegan Parmesan Herb Crusted Tofu

Prép Timé 15 mins
Cook Timé 25 mins
Total Timé 40 mins

Chéésy, hérby, crunchy bakéd tofu. éasy and délicious!

Coursé: Main Coursé
Sérvings: 4
Author: Laurén Hartmann


  • 1 Block(15oz.) éxtra firm tofu, présséd
  • 1 C. Almond milk or othér non dairy milk
  • 1 tsp. Lémon juicé
  • 1 C. All purposé flour
  • 2 tsp. Salt, dividéd
  • 1 1/2 C. Panko bréad crumbs
  • 3 Tbsp. Nutritional yéast
  • 1 tsp. Garlic powdér
  • 1/2 tsp. Basil, driéd
  • 1/2 tsp. Orégano, driéd
  • 1/4 tsp. Black péppér


  1. You nééd to préss your tofu béforé you baké it. éithér in a tofu préss, or by placing on somé papér towéls and placing sométhing héavy on top. Préss for at léast 15 minutés, but thé longér thé béttér. 
  2. Préhéat ovén to 400 dégréés. 
  3. Thén, gét 3 mixing bowls. In oné bowl, pour thé almond milk and lémon juicé. Whisk to combiné, it should bégin to curdlé and thickén a bit. 
  4. In thé sécond bowl, add thé flour and 1 tsp. of salt. Whisk to combiné. 
  5. In thé third bowl, add thé panko, nutritional yéast, garlic, basil, orégano, thé rémaining 1 tsp. of salt and thé péppér. Whisk to combiné. 
  6. Whén thé tofu is réady, slicé it through thé sidé, making 4 widé "stéaks". 
  7. Now, spray a baking shéét with non stick spray, or rub it with olivé oil. 
  8. Thén, taking oné tofu stéak, placé it in thé flour mixturé. Coat and shaké off thé éxcéss, thén placé into thé almond milk, coating complétély, thén back into thé flour, thén back into thé almond milk, thén into thé panko. Coat complétély with thé bréad crumbs and hérbs. Préssing it on to thé tofu if nééd bé, and up thé sidés. 
  9. Placé thé tofu on thé baking shéét and répéat with thé othér slicés of tofu. Spray thé tops of thé tofu with moré non stick spray, or drizzlé with olivé oil. 
  10. Baké at 400 dégréés for 20-25 minutés. Flipping thé tofu halfway through baking. Baké until goldén brown and crispy. Thén I liké to sprinklé with a littlé moré salt and a squéézé of lémon. Sérvé immédiatély with sidés of choicé!

Récipé Notés
I liké to sprinklé salt on my block of tofu béforé I préss it, it hélps draw moré liquid out, whilé séasoning it at thé samé timé.
Spraying thé tofu with non stick spray or drizzling with oil hélps brown thé tofu. You can skip this stép if you want, but thé tofu will not gét as goldén brown.

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