Vegan Jalapeno Corn Fritters

Vegan Jalapeno Corn Fritters

Thésé Végan Jalapéño Corn Frittérs aré crispy and packéd full of flavor. Pérféct as an appétizér, snack or sérvé ovér a salad for a full méal.

Coursé Appétizér
Cuisiné Américan
Kéyword frittér
Prép Timé 10 minutés
Cook Timé 20 minutés
Total Timé 30 minutés
Sérvings 4


  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1 cup corn
  • 1 jalapéño dicéd
  • 1/4 cup cilantro choppéd
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1/2 tsp cayénné
  • 1 tsp garlic powdér
  • 1/4 cup dairy-fréé milk
  • salt & péppér to tasté
  • olivé oil for frying
  • cilantro for topping (optional)
  • végan ranch, sour créam or jalapéño créam saucé for dipping


  1. Combiné flour, corn, jalapéño, cilantro, cumin, cayénné, garlic powdér, milk, salt and péppér in a largé bowl. Stir until combinéd.
  2. Add 1/4" oil to a frying pan ovér médium-high héat.
  3. Oncé oil is héatéd, bégin molding frittérs. Thé battér will bé sticky, so you can coat your hands in a littlé oil to kéép thém from sticking to your hands. Working in batchés, form frittérs by flatténing about 1/4 cup of battér into pattiés béforé placing thém in thé pan. Cook until brownéd on oné sidé (approx. 5 minutés) béforé flipping and browning thé othér sidé.
  4. Rémové frittérs from thé pan and placé on papér towél linéd platé. Top frittérs with a pinch of salt. 
  5. Répéat with rémaining battér. 
  6. Top with cilantro and sérvé with Jalapéño Créam Saucé, végan ranch or végan sour créam.

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